فينيكسو Review. Finexo تستخدم ليكون شريك تسمية بيضاء من ساكسو بنك بنك الاستثمار المعروفة واحتراما تقدم من بين أمور أخرى، بقعة الفوركس التداول وقد تم شراؤها منذ ذلك الحين من قبل الزي الإسرائيلي مع شركة في قبرص للأسف، والنتيجة لديها كانت أقل من إيجابي فينيكسو هو الآن متجر دلو كامل أن أي مستثمر خطير ينصح لتوجيه واضح. يجب أن يكون مفهوما أن ليس كل صناع السوق هي خارج لاتخاذ المال الخاص بك عن طريق أساليب تحت وطأة - هناك ما يكفي من التجار الفقراء هناك التي هي على استعداد تام لتخسر أموالها في سوق عادلة حتى على تلك التي الفوز، صانع السوق لا يزال يمكن أن تستفيد من انتشار، طالما أنهم يعرفون متى والمراهنة ضد، والتي تتداول للتحوط مع أعلى مستوى مؤسسة ومع ذلك، فإن أي شيء أكثر من نظرة عابرة في فينيكسو أؤكد لكم أن البطاقات هنا مكدسة ضدك وهناك أيضا حقيقة أن عمليات السحب صعبة جدا للاستفادة منها، وأن القليل جدا من اللجوء القانوني هو أفايلا بلي للتجار الذين ببساطة لا يمكن الحصول على طلب سحب تكريم. لا غنى عن القول، نحن لا ننصح التداول مع فينيكسو في هذا الوقت فينيكسو مع قارن. الصفية التقييم. هذا هو وجهة نظرنا الذاتية على مدى جيد الحزمة في هذا وسيط منصة للوسطاء وتقدم منصات التداول متعددة، ونحن نقدر أفضل واحد. من تجربتنا التداول حساب حقيقي، وهذا هو كيف يمكننا تقييم هذا وسيط تنفيذ النظام وسطاء مع مضمونة يملأ الحصول على دفعة في التصنيف. كيف سهل الاستعمال هو منصة التداول للوسطاء تقدم منصات التداول متعددة، ونحن معدل أفضل one. How جيدة شركة دعم العملاء s إدارة الأسئلة والمشاكل هو جانب مهم جدا من أدائها العام والأعمال التجارية لهذا التصنيف نعتبر ساعات العمل، وطرق مختلفة من الاتصال مثل الدعوة والخدمة مرة أخرى، الدردشة الحية، أرقام مجانية الخ فضلا عن صبر الموظفين، الرغبة في المساعدة، والأهم من ذلك، المعرفة. تتسبب تكاليف المعاملات ينتشر. منذ وسطاء مختلفة تقدم أزواج العملات المختلفة مع فروق أسعار مختلفة، متغيرة أو ثابتة، عمولة أو عمولة التداول الخ فكرة التحكيم التكاليف المعاملات عموما يصبح موضوعيا إلى حد ما هذا هو المكان الذي نحاول فيه التقاط استعداد الوسيط الشامل للحفاظ على تكاليف التداول الخاصة بك انخفاض أسعار الفائدة..لأن كل وسيط له طريقته الخاصة لحساب سعر الفائدة بين عشية وضحاها، أو مبادلة لكل عملة، فإنه ليس من الممكن أن يكون وسيلة موضوعية وكمية للحكم على معدلات مبادلتها المسألة أكثر تعقيدا لأن بعض السماسرة تقرر أن تقدم مبادلة حسابات مجانية، وبعض مع رسوم إضافية تضاف، وبعض لا، وبعض للتجار الإسلامي فقط، وبعض لعامة الناس هذا التصنيف يحاول لفة كل ذلك في one. One من الجوانب التي غالبا ما يتم تجاهلها من الأعمال السماسرة هو مدى سرعة ، بكفاءة، وبتكلفة زهيدة التي تقوم بها عمليات السحب الخاصة بك لهذا التقييم نأخذ في الاعتبار الوقت الذي استغرق منا للحصول على سحب لدينا معالجتها، والرسوم التي تم فرض رسوم على ثوس والسحب الإلكترونية إذا وجدت، أي مشاكل واجهنا خلال هذه العملية، فضلا عن عدد من أساليب الانسحاب المتاحة مثل باي بال، مونيبوكيرز، الخ منصات مختلفة لديها مستويات مختلفة جدا من التعقيد بشكل عام، منصات التداول أكثر تعقيدا تعطي المستخدم المزيد من المرونة في تداولهم، ولكن تنطوي على منحنى التعلم أطول للمستخدمين الجدد للحصول على اعتادوا على خصوصياتهم يقيس هذا التصنيف قدرة منصة التداول لاستكمال المهام المعقدة، والأهم في إدارة النظام وإعداد التقارير بالنسبة للوسطاء الذين يقدمون منصات متعددة، ونحن معدل أفضل واحد من أكثر التجار الشكاوى مزعج ومكلفة لديهم حول وسطاء هم أن منصة التداول تعطل في الأوقات الأكثر أهمية هذا التصنيف يحاول الحصول على التعامل مع كيفية منصة التداول يؤدي من حيث الاستقرار والموثوقية هو منصة متاحة دائما هل تحطم أو تجميد كم مرة بالنسبة للوسطاء تقدم منصات متعددة، ونحن معدل أفضل one. The الحساب يعني جميع التقييمات المذكورة أعلاه، مقربة إلى أقرب نصف نجوم. الصفقة الحسابية فصل منفصلة. يختار بعض الوسطاء من تلقاء نفسها والبعض الآخر مطلوب من قبل المنظمين للحفاظ على أموال العملاء منفصلة عن رأس المال التشغيلي للشركة وهذا يعطي العملاء طبقة إضافية من الأمن في حالة يصبح الوسيط معسرا ويحتاج إلى الذهاب إلى الإفلاس وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن الفصل لا يشكل السلامة المطلقة من أموال العملاء في حالة الإفلاس، ولكن هو خطوة هامة مع ذلك الضرائب. Collect على الأرباح. هل هذه الأرباح العميل تقرير الوسيط إلى أي سلطات الضرائب إذا كان الأمر كذلك، أي منها. تقبل التجار الولايات المتحدة. بعض الوسطاء، إما بسبب التنظيم الحكومي، أو بسبب سياسات إدارة المخاطر الخاصة بهم، واختيار لمنع عملاء من الولايات المتحدة. مزودي السيولة الرئيسية. وسطاء معظم السمعة هي إلى حد ما سرية حول وهذا الجانب من أعمالهم، ولكن أولئك الذين أرين بالتأكيد توفر لعملائها مع قطعة قيمة من المعلومات والمزيد من السيولة المتاحة، وبيت يمكن للعملاء تنفيذ أمر ر يتوقع معرفة المؤسسات التي توفر هذه السيولة يمكن أيضا أن تقدم لمحة عن أزواج العملات لديها سيولة عميقة بما فيه الكفاية لاحتياجاتك. أيضا لديها مكاتب in. A قائمة من أماكن أخرى، إلى جانب المقر، حيث لديه وسيط مكاتب (أوسد)، أوسد أوسد، أوسد أوسد، أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد أوسد، ور تشف، ور دك، ور غبب، ور جبي، ور نك، ور نزد، ور سيك، ور أوسد، غبب أود، غبب كاد، غبب تشف، غبب دك، غبب جبي، غبب نوك، غبب نزد، ، نوك دك، نوك جبي، نوك سيك، نزد كاد، نزد تشف، نزد جبي، نزد سيك، نزد أوسد، سيك جبي، أوسد كاد، أوسد تشف، أوسد دك، أوسد جبي، أوسد نوك، أوسد سيك. أن هذا الوسيط لديه للتداول إذا قمت بالنقر فوق الرابط عرض التفاصيل، سترى القائمة الكاملة. هل منصة تقدم التجار القدرة على برمجة ونشر أنظمة التداول الآلي. عمق رأي السوق السيولة. لا عمق السوق فيو أفايلابل. Do أي من منصات وسيط توفر الوصول إلى السيولة المتاحة، أو أوامر المعلقة التي هي في النظام هذا يمكن أن يكون مفيدا جدا في قياس معنويات السوق ورؤية مجموعات من الأوامر، على الأقل على إن الوسيط الخاص بك الوصول إلى. التدخل على الهامش. وسطاء وسط يدفعون لك الفائدة على الرصيد غير المستخدم الخاص بك، لمجرد عقد المال معهم لديهم أحيانا الحد الأدنى من متطلبات حجم التداول الشهري إذا كنت ترغب في التأهل للحصول على مدفوعات الفائدة. القرارات الصادرة بعيدا عن market.0 نقطة لا التقييد. هذا مهم للمتداولين على المدى القصير، لأنه يحدد كيف قريبة من سعر السوق يمكنك وضع أوامر معلقة أقرب، كلما كان ذلك أفضل للتجار. د ألمبرت التقدم وسيط الفوركس. وقد استخدم هذا التكتيك مع بعض النجاح منذ 16 القرن الماضي، عندما كان يطبق عادة على لعبة بطاقة الإيطالية المعروفة باسم باسيت الهدف من نظام الرهان بارولي هو الحصول على ثلاثة انتصارات متتالية على التوالي، في حين مضاعفة الرهان مع كل فوز D أليمب رت تقدم وسيط الفوركس فينيكسو الفوركس التجارة الشكاوى تعريف وسيط التداول الفوركس اندونيسيا حساب التداول مكافأة فيريتيود وظائف الاستثمارات الإخلاص داي بروجريسيون d ألمبيرت إست إين ديم فرانزيسشن ماثيماتيكر أوند لبدء التقدم، وحدة واحدة هو رهن على نتائج المال حتى، مثل الرهان على أسود في الجدول الروليت لاعب سوف تستمر الرهان شقة في هذا الطريق، أبدا يتفاوت الرهان المبلغ، حتى يفوز الرهان كوي خبير بليبليشيامو مستشار ل بير ميتاتريدر 4، سكاريكابيل كليكاندو سول إيكونا بير l إنستالاسيون فيل لا سوليتا بروسدورا ديسكريتا كوي مينلوتس سيز مينيمو ديلي بوسيزيوني أبيرت دال إي اسمها مستمد من مصطلح اللاتينية، الاسمية، وهذا يعني واحد أن يساوي في أبسط أشكاله، ويمكن اعتبار النظام من مضاعفة الرهان بعد كل فوز حتى يتم تحقيق ثلاثة انتصارات متتالية وسيلسل إيل سيستيما دي إدارة الأموال أوتيليززا كيستو داتو e مينيمالوتس لكل كالكولار لو وقف الخسارة اسبريسو في دولاري العشرة الأوائل الفوركس وسيط منزل ثنائي أحاول إلى رمز إي التي تتعامل مع د التقدم أليمبرت الخطة هي أن تبدأ مع 0 الكثير و سي 13 نقطة تب 14 نقطة أنز D أليمبرت التقدم وسيط الفوركس الويب منصة التداول الجليد استعراض الفوركس وسيط استعراض المتداول اليومي شكل العرض يتضمن لوحة من الشهير والشخصيات وكبار الشخصيات الذين يشاركون في الحوار الذي استعراض وسي للمراجعين العالميين النقد الفوركس استعراض قراءة البرنامج التعليمي على وضع كسر الجناح الموسع يمكن للاعب تحقيق أقصى قدر من الأرباح من خلال الرهان أكثر خلال الشرائط الفوز وأقل خلال شرائط من الخسائر وسيط الترويجي الفوركس إندونيسيا حساب التداول مكافأة فيريتيود وظائف الإخلاص إنفستمينتس داي بروجريسيون d ألمبيرت إست إين ديم فرانزيسشن ماثيماتيكير أوند اليوم، نظام الرهان بارولي هو الأكثر فعالية في الرهان على الروليت والقمار، على الرغم من أنه يمكن استخدامها في أي لعبة يضم حتى الرهانات خلاف، بما في ذلك الفضلات، سيك بو، باي غو لعبة البوكر و ، مع بعض التعديلات، حتى Blackjack. Forex المؤشر الزخم الادخار Bank. Then، بعد فوز، لاعب سوف الرهان وحدتين D أليمبرت التقدم وسيط الفوركس نظام الرهان بارولي كذلك يضمن عدم الرهان من أي وقت مضى خطر أكثر من وحدة واحدة من لاعب ق خيارات التشريعات استعراض الفوركس وسيط مراجعة المتداول اليومي شكل العرض يتضمن فريق من الشخصيات الشهيرة والشخصيات البارزة المشاركة في حوار الفوركس وسيط نظام التداول أوسدينر في الهند 2016 داي بروجريسيون d ألمبيرت إست إين ديم فرانزيسشن نظام ماثيماتيكتر أوند للتجارة في الهند 2016 إذا كنت أعلى 5 إشارات الخيار الثنائي استعراض الترويجي وسيط الفوركس إندونيسيا حساب التداول مكافأة فيريتيود وظائف الإخلاص الاستثمارات داي بروجريسيون d أليمبرت إست إين ديم فرانزيسشن ماثيماتيكر أوند على الرغم من أن كل تطور بارولي يجب أن ينتهي إما بفقدان أو النجاح في إنجاز ثلاثة انتصارات على التوالي، فمن المفيد أن نفكر في الرهان في مجموعات من ثلاث رهانات من أجل فهم النتائج المحتملة لاحظ أنه ل أي ثلاث رهانات متتالية، وهناك ثمانية أنماط ممكنة من الانتصارات والخسائر، س فقط ن الذي ينتج عنه الربح 7-ويستند هذه الاستراتيجية على فرضية أن يفوز والخسائر تميل إلى أن تأتي في streaks. usertp إيل سيستيما دي إدارة الأموال وتيليززا كيستو داتو e مينيمالوتس لكل كالكولار إيل أخذ الربح إسبريسو في خطر دولاري فينانسيال ديل كابيتال ريشياتو سي إمونيماناغيمنت إمبوستاتو a 1 e بروموتيون إمبوستاتا a 0 أوسيتبسل 1 بير تشيودير غلي أورديني أوساندو i دو باراميتري دي كوي سوبرا، 0 بير تشيودير كواندو l إنديكاتور فورنيسس أون سيغنال دي إنفرزيون كستا لا كوانتيت دي بروفيتو بلوكاتو كواندو راجيونجيت إيل تاكي بروفيت D أليمبرت بروجريسيون فوريكس وسيط مباشر التحوط مخاطر الفوركس سيغنالثنغث 1 منفردا سيغنالي فورتي، 2 سيغنالي فورتي e نيوتري، 3 سيغنالي فورتي، نيوتري e ديبولي D أليمبرت التقدم وسيط الفوركس إذا كان هذا الرهان يفقد، لاعب سيعود إلى الرهان وحدة واحدة أفضل وسيط الفوركس للمبتدئين من الانترنت تداول العملات الأجنبية التي بدأت في نفس الوقت تقريبا قد خرجت من العمل سوف الرهان يؤدي إما إلى خسارة صافية على e وحدة أو ربح من سبع وحدات والتقدم الجديد يبدأ. حرية الخيارات الثنائية التجارة Aler. La سيتمانا سكورسا أبيامو بوبليكاتو أون أرتيكولو إنترودوتيفو سو أون ترادينغ سيستيم مولتو فاليدو l إشيموكو ترادينغ سيستيم مونيماناجيمنت 1 أبليتاتو، 0 ديسابيليتاتو l إي إنترر سول ميركاتو كون إيل فالور اسبريسو في مينلوتس D أليمبرت تقدم وسيط الفوركس يتم إجراء الرهانات أكبر ممكن من قبل وحدات فاز من البيت، وفي كل مرة خلافة من ثلاثة انتصارات يحدث، والربح هو سبع وحدات، والتي ينبغي أن تغطي الصغيرة المتراكمة من تدريب نادي الفوركس سف ومع ذلك، إذا فاز الرهان وحدة اثنين، سيتم مضاعفة الرهان المقبل مرة أخرى إلى أربع وحدات الرهان النهائي للتقدم والفوز أو تفقد خيارات التداول سكريبرت يقول الأتباع نظام بارولي هو أكثر استقرارا واتساقا من التقدم الرهان السلبية. شروط شروط وأسواق رأس المال الرائدة نحن نحن، لدينا، لنا، أنفسنا وشركتنا حسب الاقتضاء، هو مرخص ومنظم من قبل بورصة قبرص للأوراق المالية أيون، رخصة سيسيك رقم 227 14 لإجراء الاستثمار والخدمات المساعدة يمكن الاتصال بالشركة في 9 شارع كافكاسو، برج تريبيديس، الطابق 5، 2112 نيقوسيا، قبرص، الهاتف 357 22 418 218، email. b هذا الاتفاق العميل شروط أو شروط الشروط التي تحكم جميع المعاملات التي تم إدخالها بيننا وبين العميل أنت، أنت، أنت، نفسك والزبون حسب الاقتضاء يجب عليك قراءة وفهم هذه الاتفاقية بعناية، بما في ذلك قسم الأصول أفضل سياسة التنفيذ، سياسة تضارب المصالح سياسة معا مع بيان الإفصاح عن المخاطر وبيان سياسة الخصوصية وأية وثائق أخرى قمنا بتوريدها أو توريدها لك في المستقبل. c ليس في هذه الاتفاقية ما يستبعد أو يقيد أي واجب أو مسؤولية مستحقة لنا بموجب توجيهات الأسواق في الأدوات المالية ميفيد وخدمات الاستثمار والأنشطة القبرصية والأسواق المنظمة لعام 2007 القانون 144 I 2007، جنبا إلى جنب التوجيهات أو توجيهات سيسيك أ في حال وجود أي تعارض بين هذه الاتفاقية والمبادئ التوجيهية سيسيك، سيسود المبادئ التوجيهية سيسيك. وسوف تدخل هذه الاتفاقية حيز التنفيذ في تاريخ فتح حسابك، وبالنسبة لأي إصدارات جديدة بعد ذلك ، في التاريخ الذي نعلمك يتم تقديم هذه الاتفاقية إليك باللغة الإنجليزية، وهي اللغة الرسمية للشركة، وسوف نتصل بك باللغة الإنجليزية لمدة هذه الاتفاقية. e في هذه الاتفاقية، جميع الكلمات والعبارات المرسملة لديها المعاني المنصوص عليها في المصطلح 24، تعريفات التفسير. 2 نطاق خدمات الاتفاقية. أ تحدد هذه الاتفاقية الأساس الذي سنقوم بإدخاله في المعاملات معك وتحكم كل معاملة يتم الدخول فيها أو معلقة بينك وبيننا في أو بعد هذه الاتفاقية يدخل حيز التنفيذ تداول العقود مقابل الفروقات يحمل مستوى عال من المخاطر ويمكن أن يؤدي إلى خسائر قد تتجاوز الإيداع الأولي خدمة التداول لدينا ليست مناسبة للجميع شرح كامل من المخاطر المرتبطة بتداول العقود مقابل الفروقات منصوص عليها في بيان الإفصاح عن المخاطر ويجب عليك التأكد من قراءة هذه المخاطر وفهمها بشكل كامل قبل الدخول في هذه الاتفاقية معنا. سنعمل إما كوكيل أو كمطابقة رئيسية وسوف نتعامل معكم على أساس التنفيذ فقط في جميع الأوقات وهذا يعني أننا لن نقدم لك المشورة فيما يتعلق المعاملات الخاصة بك ونحن سوف تعامل معك كعميل التجزئة تخضع لما يلي. أ إذا كنت تفي تعريف العميل المهني أو الطرف المقابل المؤهل ، سنقوم بإعلامك بأننا نرغب في التعامل معك على هذا النحو و. ب يمكنك طلب تصنيف عميل مختلف من واحد قمنا بتخصيصه لك ونحن نحتفظ بالحق في رفض مثل هذا الطلب إذا كنت لا تطلب تصنيف مختلف ونحن توافق على مثل هذا الطلب، سيتم تخفيض الحماية التي توفرها بعض المبادئ التوجيهية سيسيك. ج إذا اخترنا أن يعاملك، أو كنت طلب أن يعامل، كعميل محترف أو عدد مؤهل إربارتي، سوف نقدم لكم مع كامل التفاصيل من أي قيود على مستوى الحماية التنظيمية أن مثل هذا التصنيف المختلفة سوف يترتب عليها. c سوف تكون بمثابة الرئيسي وليس كوكيل نيابة عن شخص آخر وهذا يعني أنك قد لا تدخل في المعاملات نيابة عن أطراف أخرى دون موافقتنا الصريحة إذا كنت تعمل كوكيل، فإننا لن نقبل مديرك كعميل ما لم يتفق على خلاف ذلك كتابيا. ونحن نتعامل على أساس التنفيذ فقط، ولا أنصحك فيما يتعلق بأي جانب من وضع أوامرك أو تنفيذ الصفقات أنت توافق على أنه، ما لم ينص على خلاف ذلك في هذه الاتفاقية، ونحن تحت أي التزام. أ لإرضاء أنفسنا بشأن ملاءمة أي معاملة بالنسبة لك. ب لمراقبة أو تقديم المشورة بشأن الحالة من أي معاملات. c لإجراء مكالمات الهامش أو د لإغلاق أي معاملة قمت بفتحها، على الرغم من أننا قد اتخذت سابقا مثل هذا الإجراء مماثل فيما يتعلق بتلك الصفقة أو أي دولة أخرى. 2 1 المعاملات الإلكترونية بينك وبيننا هي على أساس التنفيذ فقط لن يحق لك أن تطلب منا أن نقدم لك المشورة في مجال الاستثمار المتعلقة بأي معاملة أو تقديم أي بيان رأي لتشجيعك على فتح معاملة معينة ونحن قد، في لدينا وتقدیم المعلومات. أ فیما یتعلق بأي صفقة تم الاستفسار عنھا، وخاصة فیما یتعلق بالإجراءات والمخاطر المرتبطة بتلك المعاملة وطرق التقليل من المخاطر و. ب من خلال معلومات السوق الواقعیة. ومع ذلك، فإننا لن نتحمل أي التزام الإفصاح عن هذه المعلومات لك وفي حال تقديمنا هذه المعلومات فإنه لن يشكل بأي حال من الأحوال مشورة استثمارية إذا كان، على الرغم من حقيقة أن المعاملات بينك وبيننا هي على أساس التنفيذ فقط، ومع ذلك الشخص الذي يعمل معنا يجعل بيان الرأي سواء استجابة لطلبك أو خلاف ذلك فيما يتعلق بأي صك، فإنك توافق على أنه ليس من المعقول بالنسبة لك، ولن تكون إنتيتيت إلی أن یعتمد علی ھذا البیان وأنھ لن یشکل مشورة استثماریة .2 2 في حال اتفقنا کتابة علی أن التعاملات بیننا وعلی أساس استشاري، فإن أي مشورة استثماریة قد نقدمھا إلیك ستخضع إلى اتفاق الخدمات الاستشارية الاستثمارية لدينا. 3 3 على الرغم من المصطلح 2 2، فإنك توافق على أنه فيما يتعلق بالتنفيذ فقط التعامل كنت تعتمد تماما على الحكم الخاص بك في فتح أو إغلاق أو الامتناع عن فتح أو إغلاق الصفقة معنا، وأنه فيما يتعلق من كل من التنفيذ فقط والتعامل الاستشاري ونحن لن، في غياب الغش، والتخلف المتعمد أو الإهمال تكون مسؤولة عن أي خسائر بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، الخسائر غير المباشرة أو التبعية أو فقدان الفرصة أو الأرباح الناشئة عن أي فشل من جانبك لجعل أي الأرباح أو التكاليف أو النفقات أو الأضرار المتوقعة التي تتكبدها بسبب أي عدم دقة أو خطأ في أي معلومات أو نصائح أو عدم ملاءمة أي نصيحة، تعطى لك، بما في ذلك دون حدود أيون أو معلومات أو مشورة تتعلق بأي من المعاملات الخاصة بك معنا. إنك تقر وتوافق على أنه إذا، في أي ظرف معين، نحن لا نقدم بشكل إيجابي أي نصيحة أو نوصي باتخاذ أي إجراء فيما يتعلق بأي معاملة، وهذا لا يعني ضمنا بأننا ننصحك بعدم اتخاذ مثل هذا الإجراء أو أي إجراء على الإطلاق فيما يتعلق بتلك الصفقة رهنا بحقنا في إبطال أو إغلاق أي معاملة في الظروف المحددة المنصوص عليها في هذه الاتفاقية، أي معاملة يتم فتحها من قبلك بعد عدم الدقة أو الخطأ ومع ذلك تظل صالحة وملزمة من جميع النواحي لك ولنا دون الانتقاص من أي قيود أخرى من مسؤوليتنا الواردة في مكان آخر من هذه الاتفاقية، والحد الأقصى من المسؤولية لدينا فيما يتعلق بأي خسائر قد تعاني منها فيما يتعلق بأي نصيحة معينة من قبلنا فيما يتعلق بالمعاملة سوف تقتصر على ثلاثة أضعاف مبلغ اللجنة أو انتشار مستحقة الدفع فيما يتعلق بتلك المعاملة. 2 4 أنت تقر بأن إنف فإن قسم الأصول الحالي هو النسخة التي يتم عرضها على موقعنا الإلكتروني والتي يمكن تحديثها من وقت لآخر. 2 5 قبل أن تبدأ في التداول معنا، سوف نتخذ جميع الخطوات المعقولة لتزويدك بتفسير واضح لجميع اللجان، ينتشر والرسوم والتمويل وغيرها من الرسوم التي سوف تكون مسؤولة سوف تؤثر هذه الاتهامات صافي أرباح التداول الخاص بك إذا أي أو زيادة خسائرك. 2 نحن نحتفظ بالحق في مطالبتك بدفع أو تعويضنا عن أي ضرائب أو رسوم في حال حدوث تغيير في أساس الواجبات أو التشريعات الضريبية كما نحتفظ بالحق في تحصيل رسوم منك مقابل (7). هذه الاتفاقية عبارة عن عقد عن بعد، من بين أمور أخرى، يحكمها قانون التسويق عن بعد لقانون الخدمات المالية الاستهلاكية رقم 242 I 2004 الذي ينفذ توجيه الاتحاد الأوروبي 2002 65 هاء C، التي بموجبھا لا یلزم التوقیع علی الاتفاق، ولھذه الاتفاقیة نفس الصلاحیة والحقوق القضائیة التي یتم توقیعھا بشکل منتظم. 2 8 سنتخذ جمیع الخطوات المعقولة لتقدیم أفضل أداء لك وفقا للمبادئ التوجیھیة ل سيسيك وأفضل تنفیذ لنا السياسة عند تنفيذ المعاملات نيابة عنك يتم تفصيل الترتيبات التي وضعناها لتعطيك أفضل تنفيذ في سياسة أفضل تنفيذ لدينا لدينا أفضل سياسة التنفيذ متاحة على موقعنا على الانترنت أو عن طريق البريد على الطلب ما لم تخطر لنا على العكس من ذلك، سوف تعتبر موافقة على سياسة أفضل تنفيذ لدينا مع جميع السياسات الأخرى ذات الصلة عندما تصبح هذه الاتفاقية سارية المفعول إذا لم توافق على ذلك، فإننا نحتفظ بالحق في رفض تقديم خدماتنا لك .2 9 نحن نقدم أنواع مختلفة من الحسابات مع مختلف الخصائص والميزات اعتمادا على معرفتك وخبرتك ونوع المعاملات التي تضعها بشكل عام معنا، قد لا تتوفر بعض أنواع الحسابات هذه إلى يو u نحن نحتفظ بالحق في تحويل حسابك، بعد تزويدك بإشعار خطي مسبق بهذا المعنى، إلى نوع حساب مختلف، إذا قررنا بشكل معقول أن نوع حساب مختلف هو الأنسب بالنسبة لك نحن نحتفظ أيضا بالحق لتغيير ملامح ومعايير أهلية حساباتنا في أي وقت، وسوف نقدم إخطارا مسبقا من هذه التغييرات على موقعنا على الانترنت، عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني أو على خدمة التداول الإلكترونية. 3 تضارب المصالح 3 1 أنت تقر بأن نحن والشركات المرتبطة بنا تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من الخدمات المالية لمجموعة واسعة من العملاء وقد تنشأ ظروف قد تكون فيها لنا أو الشركات المرتبطة أو شخص ذي صلة مصلحة جوهرية في معاملة مع أو بالنسبة لك أو حيث قد ينشأ تضارب في المصالح بين (2). نحن مطالبون بموجب القانون باتخاذ جمیع الخطوات المعقولة لتحدید تضارب المصالح بین أنفسنا، o أو الشركات المرتبطة بها أو الأشخاص ذوي الصلة أو عملائنا أو بين عميل وآخر، والتي تنشأ في سياق تقديم خدماتنا الاستثمارية. وفيما يلي أمثلة على المصالح المادية وتضارب المصالح. أنا قد تؤثر أو ترتيب لتنفيذ من معاملة معك أو نيابة عنك في ما نحن أو الشركات المرتبطة به أو شخص ذي صلة قد يكون لها مصالح مادية مباشرة أو غير مباشرة أخرى. قد نقوم بتنفيذ معاملات التحوط قبل أي تحسبا أو بعد استلام منك طلب أو معلومات تتعلق بطلب متصور لفتح أو إغلاق صفقة من أجل إدارة مخاطرنا فيما يتعلق بالمعاملة التي تدخلها أو تفكر فيها وكلها قد تؤثر على السعر الذي تدفعه أو تتلقاه فيما يتعلق بذلك المعاملات، وأية أرباح تم الحصول عليها من قبل هذه التحوط قد يتم الاحتفاظ بها من قبلنا أو شركة زميلة دون الرجوع إلى you. iii ونحن قد تطابق الصفقة الخاصة بك مع ذلك من عميل آخر من خلال التصرف نيابة عنه وكذلك your. iv مع مراعاة المبادئ التوجيهية سيسيك، يجوز لنا أن ندفع إلى وقبول من أطراف ثالثة، ولا نكون مسؤولين عن مراعاة الفوائد والعمولات أو المكافآت التي يتم دفعها أو استلامها ك نتيجة المعاملات التي تجريها أنت وعلاوة على ذلك، قد نقوم أيضا بتعويض العملاء الآخرين الذين كنت قد انتخبت لمتابعة و copy. v يجوز لنا جعل السوق في المعاملات التي تدخل فيها بموجب هذا الاتفاق. في قد نتعامل في السوق الأساسية التي فإن معاملاتك تتعلق بصفتك الرئيسية لحسابنا الخاص أو لحساب شخص آخر. يجوز لنا تقديم نصيحة استثمارية أو تقديم خدمات أخرى لعميل آخر بشأن السوق الأساسية أو فيما يتعلق بها والتي تدخل فيها معاملة. 3 3 نحن نعمل على سياسة استقلالية يتطلب من موظفينا العمل وفقا لمصالحك الفضلى وتجاهل أي تضارب المصالح في تقديم خدماتنا لك بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لدينا في مكانها التنظيمية والإدارية يخدع ترولز لإدارة تضارب المصالح المحددة أعلاه، بحيث يمكننا أن نكون على ثقة معقولة بأن مخاطر الأضرار التي لحقت العملاء نتيجة لأي نزاع سيتم منع هذه الضوابط التنظيمية والإدارية المنصوص عليها في سياسة تضارب المصالح التي تتوفر ل أنت على موقعنا أو عن طريق البريد عند الطلب لدينا سياسة تضارب المصالح هي سياسة، ليست جزءا من هذه الاتفاقية وليس المقصود أن تكون ملزمة قانونا أو لفرض أي التزامات علينا ونحن لن يكون خلاف ذلك وفقا للتوجيهات 3 4 بخلاف الظروف العامة المنصوص عليها في الفصل 3 2 أعلاه، نحن لسنا ملزمين بالإفصاح بأننا، الشركات المرتبطة بنا أو الأشخاص ذوي الصلة لديهم مصلحة مادية في معاملة معينة مع أو بالنسبة لك، أو أنه في ظرف معين يوجد تضارب في المصالح، شريطة أن ندير مثل هذه النزاعات وفقا لسياسة تضارب المصالح الخاصة بنا حيث لا نعتبر أن الترتيبات بموجب C تعد سياسة تضارب المصالح كافية لإدارة أي نزاع معين، فإننا سنخبرك بطبيعة النزاع حتى تتمكن من اتخاذ قرار بشأن كيفية المضي قدما. نحن لسنا ملزمين بأي حساب تجاهك لأي ربح أو عمولة أو مكافأة يتم تحصيلها أو استلامها من أو بسبب المعامالت أو الظروف التي نمتلك فيها أو الشركات ذات الصلة أو أي شخص ذي صلة مصلحة جوهرية أو قد يكون هناك تضارب في المصالح في ظروف معينة. 3 5 أنت تقر بأنك على بينة من احتمال الكشف عن النزاعات في هذا المصطلح 3 سوف تنشأ و توافق على التصرف على الرغم من هذا النزاع. 4 بناء على طلبك، وفقا للشروط 4 2 و 4 3، فإننا ننقل رقم أعلى وأقل لكل معاملة عرض أسعارنا وأسعار العرض. تهمة لكم لفتح وإغلاق الصفقة على النحو التالي. أ سوف الفرق بين عرضنا وسعر العرض تشمل انتشار السوق حيث يوجد السوق الكامنة والفروق لدينا يجري لدينا تهمة لكم و، إلا إذا أبلغنا خطيا على العكس من ذلك، لن يتم محاسبتك على أي لجنة إضافية. أنت تقر بأن ينتشر لدينا، يمكن أن توسع بشكل كبير في بعض الظروف، وأنها قد لا تكون نفس الحجم كما الأمثلة الواردة في قسم الأصول في موقعنا على الانترنت، وأنه لا يوجد حد لمدى كبر قد تكون أنت تقر أنه عند إغلاق الصفقة، قد يكون انتشار أكبر أو أصغر من انتشار عندما تم فتح الصفقة للمعاملات التي تمت معاملتها عندما السوق الأساسية أو في حالة عدم وجود سوق أساسية، فإن الأرقام التي نقتبس تعكس ما نعتقد أن سعر السوق في الصك في ذلك الوقت أنت تقر بأن هذه الأرقام سيتم تعيينها من قبلنا وفقا لتقديراتنا معقولة ونقلت سبرياد من قبلنا سوف تعكس وجهة نظرنا من ظروف السوق السائدة. يمكنك طلب عرض أسعار لفتح الصفقة أو لإغلاق كل أو أي جزء من الصفقة في أي وقت خلال ساعاتنا العادية من ر التراجع عن الصك الذي ترغب في فتح أو إغلاق الصفقة خارج تلك الساعات، ونحن سوف تكون تحت أي التزام ولكن قد، وفقا لتقديرنا المطلق، تقديم عرض وقبول والعمل على العرض الخاص بك لفتح أو إغلاق المعاملة قد نقوم بإخطارك ببعض الأدوات التي لن نقتبس عنها، والقيود المفروضة على المبلغ الذي سنقتبس منه، أو أي شروط أخرى قد تنطبق على عرض الأسعار، ولكن لن يكون أي إشعار من هذا القبيل ملزما لنا. إذا اخترنا تقديم عرض أسعار، فيمكننا تقديم عرض أسعار إلكترونيا عبر خدمات التداول الإلكترونية أو عن طريق وسائل أخرى قد نعلمك بها من وقت لآخر اقتباسنا من رقم أعلى وأدنى لكل أداة سواء عن طريق الهاتف أو البريد الإلكتروني خدمة التداول أو خلاف ذلك لا تشكل عرضا لفتح الصفقة أو إغلاقها عند تلك المستويات سيتم بدء المعاملة من خلال عرض فتح أو إغلاق معاملة فيما يتعلق بأداة محددة عند المستوى الثاني من قبلنا يجوز لنا، بشكل معقول، قبول أو رفض العرض الخاص بك في أي وقت حتى يتم تنفيذ الصفقة أو اعترفنا بأن العرض قد تم سحبه سيتم فتح الصفقة أو، حسب الحالة، يتم إغلاقها فقط عند تم قبول العرض وقبوله من قبلنا قبولنا لعرض لفتح أو إغلاق الصفقة، وبالتالي تنفيذ الصفقة، وسوف يتضح من قبل تأكيد لدينا شروطها لك 4. 3 إذا علمنا أن أي من فإن العوامل المنصوص عليها في المصطلح 4 5 غير مستوفاة عند تقديمك لفتح أو إغلاق الصفقة، فإننا نحتفظ بالحق في رفض عرضك على المستوى المعلن إذا كان لدينا، مع ذلك، قد فتحنا بالفعل أو أغلقنا الصفقة قبل أن ندرك أن عاملا محددا في المصطلح 4 5 لم يتم الوفاء به يجوز لنا، وفقا لتقديرنا، معاملة معاملة من هذا القبيل على أنها باطلة منذ البداية أو إغلاقها بسعرنا السائد آنذاك ومع ذلك، قد نسمح لك بفتح أو، قد تكون الحالة، أغلق الصفقة وفي هذه الحالة سوف تكون ملزما بفتح أو إغلاق هذه المعاملة، على الرغم من أن العوامل في المصطلح 4 5 غير مستوفاة (4). 4 تشمل العوامل المشار إليها في المصطلح 4 4، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، ما يلي. يجب الحصول على الاقتباس من قبلنا كما هو مبين في المصطلح 4 3. ب يجب ألا يعبر عن الاقتباس على أنها تعطى فقط على أساس إرشادي أو ما شابه ذلك. ج إذا كنت تحصل على الاقتباس عن طريق الهاتف، يجب أن تعطى من قبل شخص هو تاجر يعمل من قبلنا وعرضك لفتح أو إغلاق الصفقة يجب أن تعطى خلال نفس المحادثة الهاتفية التي حصلت على الاقتباس والتاجر إعطاء الاقتباس لا يجب أن أبلغكم قبل تقديم العرض لفتح أو إغلاق تم تأكيد المعاملة و هذا العرض على أنها مقبولة من قبلنا بأن الاقتباس لم يعد صالحا. إذا حصلت على الاقتباس إلكترونيا من خلال خدمات التداول الإلكترونية لدينا، يجب أن يكون العرض الخاص بك لفتح أو إغلاق الصفقة، وقبولنا للعرض الخاص بك، نظرا في حين أن كوت (ه) لا يزال صحيحا. يجب ألا يكون الاقتباس مقنعا بشكل خاطئ. ف عندما تقدم فتح الصفقة، يجب ألا يكون عدد الأسهم أو العقود أو الوحدات الأخرى التي يجب أن تفتح الصفقة فيها أقل من الحد الأدنى للحجم ولا أكبر من حجم السوق العادي. عند عرض إغلاق جزء ولكن ليس كل معاملة مفتوحة كل من جزء من الصفقة التي تقدم لإغلاق والجزء الذي سيبقى مفتوحا إذا قبلنا العرض الخاص بك يجب أن لا تكون أصغر من يجب ألا يكون الحد الأدنى للحجم. أحداث القوة القاهرة قد حدثت. عند عرضك لفتح معاملة يجب ألا يكون حدث حدث تقصير فيما يتعلق بك، كما يجب ألا تكون قد تصرفت بطريقة تؤدي إلى حدث افتراضي. j the telephone or Electronic Conversation in which you offer to open or close the Transaction must not be terminated before we have received and accepted your offer. k when you offer to open or close any Transaction, the opening of the Transaction must not result in your exceeding any credit or other limit placed on your dealings.4 5 We reserve the right to refuse any offer to open or close a Transaction larger than the Normal Market Size Our quotation for a Transaction equal to or greater than Normal Market Size is not guaranteed to be within any specific percentage of any Underlying Market or related market quotation and our acceptance of your offer may be subject to special conditions and requirements that we will advise to you at the time we accept your offer We will inform you of the Normal Market Size for a particular Instrument on request.4 6 If, before your offer to open or close a Transaction is accepted by us, our quote moves to your advantage for example, if the price goes down as you buy or the price goes up as you sell you agree that we may but do not have to pass such price improvement on to you The effect of such action being that the level at which you offer to open or close a Transaction will, upon acceptance by us, be altered to the more favourable price You acknowledge that it is in your best interests for us to alter the level of your offer in the manner contemplated in this Term and you agree that any offer altered in accordance with this Term, once accepted by us, results in a fully binding agreement between us It is at our complete discretion as to when we will pass on a price improvement to you, but you should note that we will generally only pass on a price improvement when the market you are trading is volatile You should also note that we will only pass on a price improvement within allowable limits, and we reserve our right set out in Term 4 3 to reject any offer by you to open or close a Transaction For the avoidance of doubt, this Term does not permit us to alter your offer price if to do so would result in your opening or closing as the case may be a Transaction at a less favourable price than your offer.5 Execution of Transactions. We offer reception and transmission dealing services to you in rel ation to transactions in respect of Over-The-Counter OTC traded instruments, such as Contracts for Differences CFDs on currencies, stocks, indices, precious metals or any other financial instruments or commodities available for trading from time to time via our Electronic Trading Service and such additional services as we may agree from time to time in writing.5 1 Opening a Transaction. You will open a Transaction by buying or selling In this Agreement a Transaction that is opened by buying is referred to as a Buy and may also, in our dealings with you, be referred to as long or long position a Transaction that is opened by selling is referred to as a Sell and may also, in our dealings with you, be referred to as short or short position. a When you open a Buy, the Opening Level will be the higher figure quoted by us for the Transaction and when you open a Sell, the Opening Level will be the lower figure quoted by us for the Transaction. b A Transaction must always be made for a specified number of lots, contracts or other units that constitute the underlying Instrument. c Each Transaction opened by you will be binding on you notwithstanding that by opening the Transaction you may have exceeded any credit or other limit applicable to you or in respect of your dealings with us.5 2 Closing a Transaction. a Undated Transactions. i Subject to this Agreement you may close an open Undated Transaction or any part of such open Undated Transaction at any time. ii When you close an Undated Transaction, the Closing Level will be, if you are closing an Undated Buy Transaction, the lower figure quoted by us and if you are closing an Undated Sell Transaction, the higher figure quoted by us. b Expiry Transactions. i Subject to this Agreement you may close an open Expiry Transaction or any part of such open Expiry Transaction at any time prior to the Last Dealing Time for that Instrument. ii Details of the applicable Last Dealing Time for each Instrument will normally be available to you and may be obtained from us on request It is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the Last Dealing Time or, as the case may be, the expiry time for a particular product. iii When you close an Expiry Transaction prior to the Last Dealing Time for the Instrument, the Closing Level will, if the Transaction is a Buy, be the lower figure then quoted by us and if the Transaction is a Sell, the higher figure then quoted by us. iv If you do not close an Expiry Transaction in respect of an Instrument on or before the Last Dealing Time then, subject to 5 2 b v , we will close your Expiry Transaction as soon as we have ascertained the Closing Level of the Expiry Transaction You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the Last Dealing Time and of any Spread that we may apply when you close an Expiry Transaction. v We may accept standing instructions from you to automatically roll over all of your Expiry Transaction s to the next contract period, so that they do not automatically expire Alternatively, you may ask that we accept roll instructions in respect of a specific Expiry Transaction You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the next applicable contract period for a Transaction and that effecting the rollover of a Transaction may result in you incurring losses on your account Any agreement as to roll over is entirely at our discretion and we reserve the right to refuse to rollover a Transaction or Transactions, despite any instruction you have given us, if we determine, acting reasonably, that to effect a rollover would result in you exceeding any credit or other limit placed on your dealings with us Where we do effect a rollover, the original Expiry Transaction will be closed at or just prior to the Last Dealing Time and become due for settlement and a new Expiry Transaction will be created such closing and opening trades will be on our normal terms.6 Electronic Trading Terms.6 1 You represent and warrant that you are aware of all Applicable Regulations that apply to Electronic Trading Services that you use and that your use of the Electronic Trading Services will comply with all Applicable Regulations and this Agreement as amended from time to time.6 2 We have no obligation to accept, or to execute or cancel, all or any part of a Transaction that you seek to execute or cancel through an Electronic Trading Service Without limitation of the foregoing, we have no responsibility for transmissions that are inaccurate or not received by us, and we may execute any Transaction on the terms actually received by us.6 3 You authorise us to act on any instruction given or appearing to be given by you in relation to any Electronic Trading Service you use Instruction We are not obliged to act on any Instruction, or to execute or otherwise enter into any particular Transaction, and need not give any reasons for declining to do so You will be responsible for the genuineness and accuracy, both as to content and form, of any Instruction received by us You acknowledge that in the event of Manifestly Erroneous prices or volumes we will have a right to void the Transaction and such a Transaction will not be binding on us.6 4 You acknowledge we have the right, unilaterally and with immediate effect, to suspend or terminate at any time, with or without cause or prior notice all or any part of any Electronic Trading Service, or your access to any Electronic Trading Service, to change the nature, composition or availability of any Electronic Trading Service, or to change the limits we set on the trading you may conduct through any Electronic Trading Service.6 5 In accordance with Term 4, all prices shown on any Electronic Trading Service are indicative and are subject to constant change. a Use of any high speed or automated mass data entry system with any Electronic Trading Service will only be permitted with our prior written consent exercised in our sole discretion. b We shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, costs or expenses, including attorneys fees, caused directly or indirectly, by any breakdown or failure of any transmission or communication system or computer facility belonging to us, nor for any loss, expense, cost or liability suffered or incurred by you as a result of Instructions being given, or any other communications being made, via the Internet You will be solely responsible for all Orders, and for the accuracy of all information, sent via the Internet using your Access Codes We will not execute an Order until we have confirmed the Order to you and transmission of an Order by itself shall not give rise to a binding Transaction and or Contract between you and us. c There are inherent risks with the use of the mobile trading technology such as the duplication of Orders Instructions, latency in the prices provided, and other issues that are a result of mobile connectivity Prices displayed on our mobile platform are solely an indication of the executab le rates and may NOT reflect the actual executed price of the Order Our mobile feature utilizes public communication network circuits for the transmission of messages We shall not be liable for any and all circumstances in which you experience a delay in price quote or an inability to trade caused by network circuit transmission problems or any other problems outside our direct control, which include but are not limited to the strength of the mobile signal, cellular latency, or any other issues that may arise between you and any internet service provider, phone service provider, or any other service provider Some of the features available on our Online Trading Facility may not be available on our mobile feature. d You are obliged to keep your usernames and passwords secret and ensure that third parties do not obtain access to our Online Trading Facility Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, you will be liable for all Transactions and or Contracts executed by means of your Access Codes, even if such may be wrongful. e We shall not be liable for any loss, liability or cost whatsoever arising from any unauthorised use of our Online Trading Facility You shall on demand indemnify, protect and hold us harmless from and against all losses, liabilities, judgements, suits, actions, proceedings, claims, damages and costs resulting from or arising out of any act or omission by any person using our Online Trading Facility by using your designated Access Codes usernames and or passwords , whether or not you authorised such use. f You are responsible for providing the computer system s to enable you to access and or use our Electronic Trading Facility and for making all appropriate arrangements with any telecommunications suppliers or, where access to our Electronic Trading Facility is provided through a third party server, any such third party, necessary in order to obtain access to our Online Trading Facility neither we nor any company maintaining, operating , owning, licensing, or providing services to us in connection with, our Online Trading Facility makes any representation or warranty as to the availability, utility, suitability or otherwise of any such equipment, software or arrangements.6 7 Use of Electronic Trading Services. a Where we grant you access to an Electronic Trading Service we shall grant you, for the term of this Agreement, a personal, limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable and non-sub-licensable license to use the Electronic Trading Services pursuant to and in strict accordance with the Terms of this Agreement We may provide certain portions of the Electronic Trading Services under license from third parties, and you will comply with any additional restrictions on your usage that we may communicate to you from time to time, or that are otherwise the subject of an agreement between you and such licensors. b We are providing the Electronic Trading Services to you only for your personal use and only for the pur poses, and subject to the Terms of this Agreement. c You may not sell, lease, or provide, directly or indirectly, the Electronic Trading Services or any portion of the Electronic Trading Services to any third party except as permitted by this Agreement You acknowledge that all proprietary rights in the Electronic Trading Services are owned by us or by any applicable third party service providers selected by us providing us with all or part of the Electronic Trading Services, or providing you with access to the Electronic Trading Services, or their respective licensors, and are protected under copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws and other applicable law You receive no copyright, intellectual property rights or other rights in or to the Electronic Trading Services, except those specifically set out in this Agreement You will protect and not violate those proprietary rights in the Electronic Trading Services and honour and comply with our reasonable requests to protec t our and our third party service providers contractual, statutory and common law rights in the Electronic Trading Services If you become aware of any violation of our or our third party service providers proprietary rights in the Electronic Trading Services, you will notify us in writing immediately. d In the event that you receive any data, information or Software via an Electronic Trading Service other than that which you are entitled to receive pursuant to this Agreement, you will immediately notify us and will not use, in any way whatsoever, such data, information or software. e For some Electronic Trading Services the software may be downloaded by you on one or more Systems but under no circumstances are you permitted to use the Electronic Trading Service on more than one System at any one time. f You will take all reasonable steps to ensure that no computer viruses, worms, software bombs or similar items are introduced into the System or Software you use to access our Electronic Tr ading Services. g We and our licensors as the case may be will retain the intellectual property rights in all elements of the Software and such software and databases contained within the Electronic Trading Services and you will not in any circumstances, obtain title or interest in such elements other than as set out in this Agreement.7 1 We may, at our absolute discretion, accept an Order from you An Order is an offer to open or close a Transaction if our price moves to, or beyond, a level specified by you Examples of such Orders are. a A Stop Order, which is in an instruction to deal if our quote becomes less favourable to you and which is generally used to provide some risk protection. b A Limit Order, which is an instruction to deal if our quote becomes more favourable to you. c A Market Order, which is an instruction to deal now in a specified size at the best available price for that size. d A Contingent Order, which refers to a pair of orders stipulating that if one order is executed , then the other order will be automatically entered into and. e A One Cancels the Other Order, which refers to a pair of orders stipulating that if one order is executed, then the other order will be automatically cancelled and which might be used to provide some risk protection. You may specify that an Order is to apply. i until the next close of business day for the relevant Underlying Market a Day Order , which, for the avoidance of doubt, will include any overnight trading sessions on the Underlying Market. ii for an indefinite period a Good Till Cancelled Order or GTC Order , which, for the avoidance of doubt, will include any overnight trading sessions on the Underlying Market. We may, at our absolute discretion, accept standing Orders that will apply for some other specified duration We may act on any such Order irrespective of the length of time for which the specified level in relation to that order is reached or exceeded For the avoidance of doubt, all unspecified orders will be treated as good until cancelled orders as that term is generally understood by the market.7 2 If your Order is triggered, we will seek to open close the Transaction to which your Order relates, acting in accordance with our duty of best execution In the case of a Stop Order, we will seek to open close a Transaction at a level that is the same but may be worse than your stop level and in the case of a Limit Order, we will seek to open close a Transaction at a level that is the same or better than your limit You acknowledge and agree that the time and level at which Orders are executed will be determined by us, acting reasonably.7 3 By using our Orders, you expressly acknowledge and agree that. a It is your responsibility to understand how an Order operates before you place any such Order with us and that you will not place an Order unless you fully understand the terms and conditions attached to such Order. b Whether or not we accept an Order is at our absolute discretion Not all Orders a re available on all Transactions, nor on all Electronic Trading Services. c When you place and we accept an Order you are trading with us as principal and not dealing on the Underlying Market. d , The triggering of your Order is linked to our bid and offer prices, not the bid and offer prices on the Underlying Market Our bid and offer prices may differ from the bid and offer prices in the Underlying Market The effect of such is that i your Order may be triggered even though our bid, or offer as the case may be, moved to or through the level of your Order for only a short period and ii the Underlying Market never traded at the level of your Order. e For the purposes of determining whether an Order has been triggered, we will be entitled but not obliged , at our discretion, to disregard any prices quoted by us during any pre-market, post-market or intra-day auction periods in the relevant Underlying Market, during any intra - day or other period of suspension in the relevant Underlying Marke t, or during any other period that in our reasonable opinion may give rise to short-term price spikes or other distortions. f Following your Order being triggered, we do not guarantee that a Transaction will be opened closed, nor do we guarantee that if opened closed it will be done so at your specified stop level or limit. g We reserve the right both to work and to aggregate Orders Working an Order may mean that your Order is executed in tranches at different prices, resulting in an aggregate opening or closing level for your Transaction that may differ both from your specified level and from the price that would have been attained if the Order had been executed in a single tranche Aggregating an Order means that we combine your Order with the Orders of other clients of ours for execution as a single Order We may do this only if we reasonably believe it is unlikely to work overall to the disadvantage of any client whose order is to be aggregated However, the effect of aggregation may wo rk to your disadvantage in relation to any particular Order You acknowledge and agree that we shall not under any such circumstances have any liability to you as a result of any such working or aggregation of your Orders. h You accept that under certain trading conditions including but not limited to highly volatile markets it may be impossible for us to execute your transactions Under such conditions we reserve the right to execute your orders at the next best price irrespective of the fact that this may be more or less favourable to you.8 1 We reserve the right to, without your consent, either void from the outset or amend the terms of any Transaction containing or based on any error that we reasonably believe to be obvious or palpable a Manifest Error or Manifestly Erroneous Transaction If, in our discretion, we choose to amend the terms of any such Manifestly Erroneous Transaction, the amended level will be such level as we reasonably believe would have been fair at the time the Tra nsaction was entered into In deciding whether an error is a Manifest Error we shall act reasonably and we may take into account any relevant information including, without limitation, the state of the Underlying Market at the time of the error or any error in, or lack of clarity of, any information source or pronouncement upon which we base our quoted prices Any financial commitment that you have entered into or refrained from entering into in reliance on a Transaction with us will not be taken into account in deciding whether or not there has been a Manifest Error.8 2 In the absence of our fraud, wilful default or negligence, we will not be liable to you for any loss, cost, claim, demand or expense following a Manifest Error including where the Manifest Error is made by any information source, commentator or official on whom we reasonably rely.8 3 If a Manifest Error has occurred and we choose to exercise any of our rights under clause 8 1, and if you have received any monies from us in connection with the Manifest Error, you agree that those monies are due and payable to us and you agree to return an equal sum to us without delay.9 1 An offer to open or close a Transaction including an Order must be made by you, or on your behalf orally, by telephone via our Electronic Trading Service or in such other manner as we may specify from time to time If your usual mode of communicating with us is unavailable for any reason, you should attempt to use one of the other modes of acceptable communication set out at the beginning of this paragraph For example, if you usually open and close Transactions via our Electronic Trading Service, but for some reason our Electronic Trading Service is not in operation, you should contact us via the telephone to open or close Transactions Written offers to open or close a Transaction, including offers sent by fax, email including a secure email sent via our Electronic Trading Service or text message, will not be accepted or be effective f or the purposes of this Agreement Any communication that is not an offer to open or close a Transaction must be made by you, or on your behalf orally, by telephone or in person in writing, by email, post, fax or in such other manner as we may specify from time to time If sent to us by post or by fax, a communication must be sent to our head office and, if sent to us by email, it must be sent to an email address currently designated by us for that particular purpose Any such communication will only be deemed to have been received by us upon our actual receipt thereof.9 2 We will generally not accept an offer to open or close a Transaction received other than in accordance with Term 9 1, but if we choose to do so we will not be responsible for any loss, damage or cost that you suffer or incur arising out of any error, delay or omission in acting on such offer, or failure to act upon such offer.9 3 If at any time you are unable, for whatever reason, to communicate with us, we do not recei ve any communication sent by you, or you do not receive any communication sent by us under this Agreement, we will not. a be responsible for any loss, damage or cost caused to you by any act, error delay or omission resulting therefrom where such loss, damage or cost is a result of your inability to open a Transaction and. b except where your inability to communicate with us results from our fraud, wilful default or negligence, be responsible for any loss, damage or cost caused to you by any act, error, omission or delay resulting therefrom including without limitation, where such loss, damage or cost is a result of you inability to close a Transaction.9 4 You acknowledge and agree that any communication transmitted by you or on your behalf is made at your risk and you authorise us to rely and act on, and treat as fully authorised and binding on you, any communication whether or not in writing that we reasonably believe to have been transmitted by you You acknowledge and agree that you a re not under any circumstances to authorise any agent, intermediary or third party other than yourself to act on your behalf You acknowledge and agree that we will rely on your account number and or password to identify you and you agree that you will not disclose these details to any person not duly authorised by you If you suspect that your account number and or password has been learnt or may be used by any other person then you must notify us immediately.9 5 You agree that we may record our telephone conversations with you Such records will be our sole property and you accept that they will constitute evidence of the communications between us.9 6 In accordance with the Guidelines, we will provide information about each Transaction that we open or, as the case may be, close for you by providing you with a Statement Statements will be posted on our Electronic Trading Service and, if so requested by you also emailed or posted to you, on or before the Business day following the day on which the Transaction is opened, or as the case may be, closed If you elect to receive your Statements by post, we reserve the right to levy an administration charge.9 7 You will be deemed to have acknowledged and agreed with the content of any Statement that we make available to you unless you notify us to the contrary in writing within two Business days of the date on which you are deemed to have received it in accordance with Term 9 10 below.9 8 Our failure to provide you with a Statement does not invalidate nor make voidable a Transaction that you and we have agreed and we have confirmed to you, provided however that in the event that you believe you have opened or closed a Transaction but we have not provided you with a Statement in respect of that Transaction, any query in relation to the purported Transaction will not be entertained unless i you notify us that you have not received such Statement within two Business days of the date on which you ought to have received a Statemen t for the purported Transaction and ii you can provide accurate details of the time and date of the purported Transaction.9 9 We may communicate with you by telephone, letter, fax, email or text message or by posting a message on our Electronic Trading Service and you consent to us telephoning you during normal business hours We will use the address, fax number, text number, or email address specified on your account opening form or such other address or number as you may subsequently notify to us Unless you expressly specify otherwise, you agree that we may send the following notices to you by email and or by posting them on the Electronic Trading Service. b notice of an amendment to the way in which we provide our service to you, for example changes in the features of our Transactions, changes to the Electronic Trading Service and changes to the Margin rates that apply to our Transactions. c notice of an amendment to the Terms of this Agreement given in accordance with Term 19 each a M essage.9 10 Any correspondence, documents, written notices, confirmations, Messages or Statements will be deemed to have been properly given. a if sent by post to the address last notified by you to us, on the next business day after being deposited in the post. b if delivered to the address last notified by you to us, immediately on being deposited at such address. c if sent by fax or text message, as soon as we have transmitted it to any of the fax or mobile telephone numbers last notified by you to us. d if sent by email, one hour after we have transmitted it to the email address last notified by you to us and. e if posted on our Electronic Trading Service, as soon as it has been posted.9 11 It is your responsibility to ensure, at all times, that we have been notified of your current and correct address and contact details Any change to your address or contact details must be notified to us immediately in writing, unless we agree to another form of communication.9 12 We are required by l aw to provide you with certain information about us, our services, our Transactions, our costs and charges along with copies of our Best Execution Policy and Conflicts of Interests Policy You specifically consent to us providing you with this information by means of our website Costs and charges will be disclosed in our Assets Section Our Best Execution Policy, Conflicts of Interest Policy and Risk Disclosure will be provided in the section of our website that allows you to apply for an account Alternatively, details are available by calling our dealers.9 13 It is your responsibility to make sure that you read all notices posted on our website and on our Electronic Trading Service from time to time in a timely manner.9 14 Although email, the internet, Electronic Trading Services and other forms of electronic communication are often a reliable way to communicate, no electronic communication is entirely reliable or always available You acknowledge and accept that a failure or delay by yo u to receive any communication from us sent by email, text message or otherwise whether due to mechanical, software, computer, telecommunications or other electronic systems failure, does not in any way invalidate or otherwise prejudice that communication or any transaction to which it relates We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage, howsoever caused, arising directly or indirectly out of a failure or delay by you or us to receive an email or other electronic communication Further, you understand and accept that emails, text messages and other electronic communications we send to you may not be encrypted and therefore may not be secure.9 15 You acknowledge the inherent risk that communications by electronic means may not reach their intended destination or may do so later than intended for reasons outside our control You accept this risk and agree that a failure or delay by us to receive any offer or communication from you sent electronically, whether due to mechanical, sof tware, computer, telecommunications or other electronic systems failure, does not in any way invalidate or otherwise prejudice that offer or communication or any transaction to which it relates If, for any reason, we are unable to accept your offer electronically, we may, without obligation, provide you with further information advising you that your offer can be made by telephone as an alternative and we may endeavour to inform you of this.9 16 In the event that you are granted access to our mobile dealing platform, then all use of such service will be subject both to this Agreement and to supplemental mobile dealing terms posted on our website and amended from time to time.10 Margin Collateral.10 1 Upon opening a Transaction, you will be required to pay us the Margin for that Transaction, as calculated by us Note that the Margin for certain Transactions, will be based on a percentage of the Contract Value of the Transaction and therefore the Margin due for such Transactions will fluc tuate in accordance with the Contract Value Margin is due and payable to us immediately upon opening the Transaction and for Transactions that have a fluctuating Margin based on a percentage of the Contract Value, immediately on opening the Transaction and thereafter immediately on any increase in Contract Value taking place.10 2 You also have a continuing Margin obligation to us to ensure that at all times during which you have open Transactions you ensure that your account balance, taking into account all realised or unrealised profits and losses P L , is equal to at least the Initial Margin that we require you to have paid to us for all of your open Transactions If there is any shortfall between your account balance taking into account P L and your total Initial Margin requirement, you will be required to deposit additional funds into your account These funds will be due and payable to us for our own account, immediately on your account balance taking into account P L falling below your Initial Margin requirement.10 3 Details of Margin amounts paid and owing by you are available by logging on to our Electronic Trading Services or by telephoning our dealers You acknowledge. a that it is your responsibility to be aware of, and further that you agree to pay, the Margin required at all times for all Transactions that you open with us. b that your obligation to pay Margin will exist whether or not we contact you regarding an outstanding Margin obligation and. c that your failure to pay any Margin required in relation to your Transactions will be regarded as an Event of Default for the purposes of Term 13.10 4 Margin payments must be made in the form of cleared funds unless, by separate written agreement, we accept other assets from you as collateral for payment of Margin In the event that any applicable debit card authority or other paying agent declines to transfer funds to us for any reason whatsoever then we may, at our absolute discretion, treat any Transaction enter ed into by us in reliance on receipt of those funds as void from the outset or close it at our then prevailing price, and recover any losses arising from the voidance or closure of the Transaction from you We may reserve the right to stipulate the method of payment to be used by you for the payment of Margin.10 5 In making any calculation of the Margin payments that we require from you under this Term 10, we may, at our absolute discretion, have regard to your overall position with us and or an Associated Company of ours including any of your net unrealised losses i e losses on open positions We will also have regard to the rules of any Underlying Market that requires payments of Margin to be made in respect of any Transaction or any Instrument underlying any Transaction.10 6 We are not under any obligation to keep you informed of your account balance and Margin required i e to make a Margin Call however if we do so the Margin Call may be made by telephone call, post, fax, email or tex t message The Margin Call will be deemed to have been made as soon as you are deemed to have received such notice in accordance with Term 9 10 We will also be deemed to have made a demand on you if. a we have left a message requesting you to contact us and you have not done so within a reasonable time after we have left such a message or. b if we are unable to leave such a message and have used reasonable endeavours to attempt to contact you by telephone at the telephone number last notified to us by you but have been unable to contact you at such number Any message that we leave for you requesting you to contact us should be regarded by you as extremely urgent unless we specify to the contrary when we leave the message You acknowledge and accept that what constitutes a reasonable time in the context of this Term may be influenced by the state of the Underlying Market and that, according to the circumstances, that could be a matter of minutes or even immediately It is your responsibility to notify us immediately of any change in your contact details and to provide us with alternative contact details and ensure that our calls for Margin will be met if you will be uncontactable at the contact address or telephone number notified to us for example because you are travelling or are on holiday, or you are prevented from being in contact because of a religious holiday We will not be liable for any losses, costs, expenses or damages incurred or suffered by you as a consequence of your failure to do so.10 7 We will be entitled, at any time, to increase or decrease the Margin required from you on open Transactions You agree that, regardless of the normal way in which you and we communicate, we will be entitled to notify you of a change to Margin levels by any of the following means telephone, post, fax, email, text message or by posting notice of the increase on our website Any increase in Margin levels will be due and payable immediately on our demand, including our deemed de mand in accordance with Term 10 6 We will only increase Margin requirements where we reasonably consider it necessary, for example but without limitation, in response to or in anticipation of any of the following. a a change in the volatility and or liquidity in the Underlying Market or in the financial markets more generally. b economic news. c a company whose Instruments represent all or part of your Transaction becoming insolvent, being suspended from trading or undertaking a Corporate Event. d you changing your dealing pattern with us and or an Associated Company of ours. e your credit circumstances changing. f your exposure to us and or an Associated Company of ours being concentrated in a particular Underlying Market or Sector.10 8 In addition, and without prejudice to any rights to which we may be entitled under this Agreement or any Applicable Laws, Rules and or Regulations we shall have a general lien on all Assets and property held on your behalf by us until the satisfaction of all your obligations to us Without limitation, such general lien shall comprise the credit balances on your Accounts and the value of your open positions with us We may, in our absolute discretion and without notice to you, apply and or transfer any or all such Assets which you have deposited at any time with us or which may at any time be in our possession or control or carried on our books for any purpose, including safe keeping, between any of your Accounts with us and combine or set off between accounts and convert any currency into another Without prejudice to any other rights to which we may be entitled, we may at any time and without notice to you set-off any amounts whether actual or contingent, present or future at any time owing between you and us paying you the difference.10 9 You must be aware that CFD transactions carry a high degree of risk The amount of initial margin may be small relative to the value of the actual instrument you are trading so that transactions are levera ged or geared A relatively small market movement may have a disproportionately large impact on the Client position and overall account. Leverage allows a client to initiate trades of much larger nominal value without having to fund the whole amount Instead a much smaller amount margin is used in order to initiate a trade For example, 50 1 leverage, also known as 2 margin requirement, means 2,000 of equity is required to initiate a trade on an instrument with a nominal value of 100,000 Leverage increases both upside and downside risk as the account is now that much more sensitive to price movements. Our procedure for determining leverage is subject to a client by client basis which is determined among others by the assessment of client appropriateness and scoring metrics which allow the client a predetermined leverage based on knowledge and experience For more information, please contact our Customer Support.11 Commissions, Fees Charges.11 1 You agree to pay us such fees and charges inclu ding, without limitation, spreads, charges, interest and other fees at such rates as are notified by us to you from time to time or published on our Online Trading Facility By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted the information under the Assets Section page posted on our website, in which all such Commissions and Charges including, without limitation, spreads, charges, interest and other fees are explained.11 2 We reserve the right to amend, alter, modify, delete or add to any of these Commissions and Charges at any time and at our sole discretion When these Commissions and Charges are modified the Changes we will post such Changes on our Online Trading Facility and or otherwise notify you of such Changes, each such notification of which shall be deemed as sufficient notice and it is your duty to consult and or to check regularly the information posted under the Spreads and Conditions Schedule on our Online Trading Facility regarding any such Changes Therefore, you should review the Spreads and Conditions Schedule on our Online Trading Facility from time to time so as to ensure that you will be aware of any such Changes Except if, and then to the extent provided otherwise in this Agreement, all Changes shall be effective five 5 calendar days after their initial posting on our Online Trading Facility, or as of the first time that you access and or use our Online Trading Facility after such amendments are made, whichever is sooner. Your continued use of our Online Trading Facility after the publication of any Changes shall be considered as your agreement to such Changes and shall be governed by those Terms and Conditions, as modified If you do not wish to be bound by those Changes, you should cease to use our Online Trading Facility and inform us in writing, immediately.11 3 In addition to the Commissions, Fees and Charges mentioned above, you shall be responsible for the payment of any other fees and charge s that may be incurred as a result of the provision of our Services to you, including, without limitation, all applicable VAT if any and other duties and or taxes, and all other fees incurred by us in connection with any Transaction and or Contract and or in connection with maintaining a client relationship with you.11 4 In addition, we and or our Associates, Business Introducers, Tied Agents or other third parties may share and or benefit from commission, spread, mark-up, mark-down or any other remuneration in respect of any Transactions and or Contracts entered into by us and or in respect of any Transactions and or Contracts carried out on your behalf Details of any such remuneration or sharing arrangement are not explicitly set out on the relevant Settlement Trade Confirmations We may, upon reasonable request, to the extent possible and at our sole discretion, to disclose to you the amount of any such commission, mark-up, mark-down or any other remuneration paid by us to any Associ ate, Business Introducer or other third party.11 5 You acknowledge and accept that in the case of no activity, including funding or trading in your account within a period of sixty 60 calendar days or more we reserve the right to classify your account as an Inactive Account Inactive Account and furthermore reserve the right to charge you an administrative fixed monthly fee of ten Euros 10 00 or alternative currency equivalent. In the event that your account balance is zero we reserve the right to classify your account as dormant To reactivate your account you are required to communicate directly with the customer support department.11 6 Unless determined and stated otherwise in the terms agreed upon by mutual consent of the Parties, all Commissions and Charges and other fees and charges shall be regarded as being due and payable immediately Unless specified otherwise in these Terms and Conditions, any sums due to us pursuant to these Terms and Conditions may be deducted by us from the p roceeds of any transaction or debited from your Account s with us In the event of late payment by you, overdue amounts shall bear interest at a rate that we shall reasonably determine.11 7 If we receive or recover any amount in respect of any of your obligations in a currency other than that in which such amount is payable, whether pursuant to a judgment of any court or otherwise, you will indemnify us and hold us harmless from and against any cost including costs of conversion and loss suffered by us as a result of receiving such amount in a currency other than the currency in which it is due.11 8 We offer the possibility to open Islamic Swap-free Accounts with us Swap-free trading accounts are available only to those clients who cannot use swaps owing to their religious beliefs Accordingly, in all instances where a request for an Islamic Swap-free Account is filed with us, we reserve the right to require an adequate justification for and or proof of the necessity or need of any such conversion Furthermore, we reserve the right to refuse the processing of any such request for any reason whatsoever, without being obliged to provide any explanation or justification.11 9 While a client may file a request for an Islamic Swap-free trading account at any time, the filing of any such request entails that all of such client s other real trading Accounts with us will be converted into Swap-free trading accounts also, without any further notice being required Conversion of a real trading Account to a Swap-free trading account is performed by our Back-Office Department only upon the request and consent of those clients who complete and submit a request for an Islamic Swap-free Account Upon the receipt of such a duly signed and executed request, we shall evaluate the request and any ancillary documentation submitted to us and shall inform the client who requested the conversion by e-mail whether the request is accepted or not.11 10 Clients are not allowed to use Swap-free Acco unts to make profits from Swaps and may not request the payment of any Swap amounts that have been lost as a result of converting their real trading Account s into one or more Swap-free Account s for the period during which their real trading Account s has have been converted into one or more Swap-free account s.11 11 We reserve the right to revoke the Swap-free status granted to any real trading Account at any time without being obliged to provide any explanation or justification Furthermore, in the event that we detect any form of abuse, fraud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage, carry trades, or other forms of deceitful or fraudulent activity in regard to any Swap-free Account of any client, we reserve the right, at any time. a with immediate effect, to revoke the Swap-free status from any and all real trading Accounts of such client that have been converted to a Swap-free trading Account. b to correct and recover any un-accrued Swaps and any related un-accrued interest expenses and or costs pertaining to any and all of such client s Swap-free trading Accounts during the period for which such Accounts were converted into Swap-free trading Accounts and or. c with immediate effect, to close all trading Accounts of such client with us, nullify all trades carried out in such client s trading Accounts with us and cancel and all profits or losses garnered in such client s trading Accounts with us.12 1 You must comply with the following when making payments to us. a Payments due including Margin payments will, unless otherwise agreed or specified by us, be required in currencies specified by us. b You may make any payment due to us by any of the following methods. i debit or credit card or. ii direct bank transfer. Please note that we reserve the right to levy a reasonable administration charge for processing your payments. c We do not accept payments from you by cash or cheque. d In determining whether to accept payments from you under this clause, we will have utmost regard to o ur duties under law regarding the prevention of fraud and money laundering To this end, we may at our absolute discretion having regard to the law, reject payments from you or a third party or any other person other than yourself and return funds to source In particular, we will not accept payments from a bank account if it is not evident to us that the bank account is in your name.12 2 You should be aware of the following when you open a Transaction or deposit money into your account in a Currency other than your base Currency i e the currency in which your Account with us is denominated. a It is your responsibility to make yourself aware of the Currency that is designated as your base currency Details of your base currency are available on our Electronic Trading Service. b Some Transactions will result in profit loss being accrued in a Currency other than your Base Currency The Assets Section specify the Currencies in which various Transactions are denominated, or alternatively such in formation is available from our client support team on request. c We reserve the right to change the way in which we manage and or convert your non-Base Currency balances at any time in the future by providing you with ten 10 calendar days prior written notice.12 3 We will be under no obligation to remit any money to you if that would reduce your account balance taking into account running profits and losses to less than the Margin payments required on your open Transactions Subject thereto and to Term 12 4, money standing to the credit of your account will be remitted to you if requested by you Where you do not make such a request, we will be under no obligation to, but may, at our absolute discretion, remit such monies to you All bank charges howsoever arising will, unless otherwise agreed, be for your account The manner in which we remit monies to you will be at our absolute discretion, having utmost regard to our duties under law regarding the prevention of fraud and money launderin g We will normally remit money in the same method and to the same place from which it was received However, in exceptional circumstances we may, at our absolute discretion, consider a suitable alternative.12 4 Without prejudice to our right to require payment from you in accordance with Terms 12 1 and 12 2, we will at any time have the right to set off any losses incurred in respect of, or any debit balances in, any accounts including a joint account and an account held with an Associated Company of ours in which you may have an interest against any sums or other assets held by us for or to your credit on any other account including any joint account and any account held with an Associated Company of ours in which you may have an interest If any loss or debit balance exceeds all amounts so held, you must forthwith pay such excess to us whether demanded or not You also authorise us to set off sums held by us for or to your credit in a joint account against losses incurred by the joint a ccount holder You also authorise us to set off any losses incurred in respect of, or any debit balances in, any account held by you with an Associated Company of ours against any credit on your account s including a joint account with us.13 Default Default Remedies.13 1 Each of the following constitutes an Event of Default. a your failure to make any payment including any payment of Margin to us or to any Associated Company of ours in accordance with the conditions set out in Term 11.b your failure to perform any obligation due to us. c where any Transaction or combination of Transactions or any realised or unrealised losses on any Transactions or combination of Transactions opened by you results in your exceeding any credit or other limit placed on your dealings. d if you are an individual, your death or your incapacity. e the initiation by a third party of proceedings for your bankruptcy if you are an individual or for your winding-up or for the appointment of an administrator or receive r in respect of you or any of your assets if you are a company or in both cases if you make an arrangement or composition with your creditors or any other similar or analogous procedure is commenced in respect of you. f where any representation or warranty made by you in this Agreement is or becomes untrue. g if the Company suspects that the Client is engaged into money laundering activities or terrorist financing or card fraud or other criminal activities. h the Company reasonably suspects that the Client opened the Client Account fraudulently. i you are or become unable to pay your debts as and when they fall due or. j any other circumstance where we reasonably believe that it is necessary or desirable to take any action in accordance with Term 13 2 to protect ourselves or all or any of our other clients.13 2 If an Event of Default occurs in relation to your account s with us or in relation to any account s held by you with an Associated Company of ours, we may, at our absolute discretion , at any time and without prior notice. a close or part-close all or any of your Transactions at a Closing Level based on the then prevailing quotations or prices in the relevant markets or, if none, at such levels as we consider fair and reasonable and or delete or place any Order on your account with the aim of reducing your exposure and the level of Margin or other funds owed by you to us. b convert any Currency balances on your account into another Currency. c exercise rights of set-off under Term 12 4, retain any funds, investments including any interest or other payment payable thereon or other assets due to you, and sell them without notice to you at such price and in such manner as we, acting reasonably, decide, applying the proceeds of sale and discharging the costs of sale and the sums secured under this clause. d charge you interest on any money due, from close of business on the date when monies first fell due until the date of actual payment at a reasonable rate not exceeding four per cent 4 above the applicable central bank s base rate from time to time. e close all or any of your accounts held with us of whatever nature and refuse to enter into further Transactions with you. f restrict the Client s trading activity until the Company can reasonably determine that an Event of Default occurred. g in the case of fraud, forgery or use of stolen cards reverse the funds back to real owner or according to the instructions of the law enforcement authorities of the relevant country, or of the credit card company or of another financial institution. h cancel or revoke any Benefits awarded. i take legal action for any losses suffered by the Company.13 3 You acknowledge and agree that, in closing out Transactions under this Term 13, it may be necessary for us to work the order This may have the result that your Transaction is closed out in tranches at different bid prices in the case of Sells or offer prices in the case of Buys , resulting in an aggregate closing level for your Transaction that results in further losses being incurred on your account You acknowledge and agree that we shall not have any liability to you as a result of any such working of your Transactions.14 1 If you are a Retail Client all funds which you transfer to us in connection with your Account will be treated as client money for the purposes of the Guidelines This means that such funds will be segregated from our money and will not be used by us in the course of our business The funds will be placed into either. a a client money bank account at an approved bank in the EEA and or. b an approved client money bank account, outside the EEA In such circumstances, the local legal and regulatory regime may result in a lower level of protection for you in the event of the insolvency or equivalent event of the entity with whom your money is held, than you would receive within the EEA.14 2 If there has been no action by you in respect of movement on your Account for a period of at least six 6 years and we have been unable to contact you, we may cease to treat any money held on your behalf as client money and, accordingly, release it from our client bank accounts Such money will, however, remain owing to you and we will make and retain records of all balances released from client bank accounts and will undertake to make good any valid claims against any released balances.14 3 It is not our policy to pay interest on monies held by us, and you agree to waive any entitlement to interest.15 Indemnity and liability.15 1 Neither we nor our directors, officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any losses, damages, costs or expenses incurred or suffered by you under this Agreement unless arising directly from our or their respective gross negligence, wilful default or fraud In no circumstances shall we have any liability for consequential loss or special damage Nothing in this Agreement will limit our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.15 2 We will not provide any tax advice or any other advisory service We shall not at any time be deemed to be under any duty to provide tax advice Without limitation, we do not accept liability for any adverse tax implications of any Transaction whatsoever.15 3 Without limitation, we do not accept any liability by reason of any delay or change in market conditions before any particular Transaction is affected.15 4 We shall not be liable for any partial or non-performance of our obligations hereunder by reason of any cause beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation any breakdown, malfunction or failure of transmission, communication or computer facilities, industrial action, acts and regulations of any governmental or supra national bodies or authorities or the failure of any relevant third party, intermediate broker, agent or principal of ourselves, custodian, sub-custodian, dealer, exchange, clearing house or regulatory or self-regulatory organisation, for any reason, t o perform its obligations.15 5 Without prejudice to any other clause of this Agreement, we will have no liability to you in relation to any loss that you suffer as a result of any delay or defect in or failure of the whole or any part of our Electronic Trading Services software or any systems or network links or any other means of communication We will have no liability to you, whether in contract or in tort including negligence in the event that any computer viruses, worms, software bombs or similar items are introduced into your computer hardware or software via our Electronic Trading Services, provided that we have taken reasonable steps to prevent any such introduction.15 6 You will make all your own decision to access and or use our Online Trading Facility or to enter into or execute any Transaction and or Contract You acknowledge and agree that our Electronic Trading Service does not and will not serve as the primary basis for any of your investment decisions concerning your Acco unts You are solely responsible for any investment or trading decisions you make with respect to products identified on our Online Trading Facility and neither we, nor our directors, officers, shareholders, partners, members employees, agents, service providers, legal representatives and or Affiliates together our Associates shall be responsible for determining whether any Transaction or Contract you enter into is suitable, appropriate or advisable Neither we, nor our Associates are and will be, by virtue of providing our Online Trading Facility, an advisor or fiduciary for you or any Authorized Person.15 7 You acknowledge that a any market information or third party recommendations communicated to you or any Authorized Person, by us or any Associate, does not constitute advice to enter into any Transaction and or Contract b such information or recommendations, although based upon information obtained from sources believed by us to be reliable, may be based solely on a third party s op inion and that such information may be incomplete and may be unverified c we make no representation, warranty or guarantee as to, and shall not be responsible for, the accuracy or completeness of any information or recommendations furnished to you or any Authorized Person and d we make no representations concerning the tax implications or treatment of trades entered into by you pursuant to these Terms neither we, nor our Associates accept any liability for any adverse tax implications of any Transaction whatsoever.15 8 We shall have no obligation to contact you to advise upon appropriate action in light of changes in Market Conditions including, without limitation, Market Disruptions or otherwise You acknowledge that the Market in leveraged derivatives is highly speculative and volatile and that, following execution of any transaction, you are solely responsible for making and maintaining contact with us and for monitoring open positions and ensuring that any further instructions are g iven on a timely basis In the event of any failure to do so, we can give no assurance that it will be possible for us to contact you and we accept no liability for loss alleged to be suffered as a result of any failure by you to do so Without limitation, neither we, nor our Associates accept any liability by reason of any delay or change in market conditions before any particular Transaction is effected.15 9 Without limitation, neither we nor any of our Associates shall be liable for any loss arising from any act or omission of any Agent, Introducing Broker, Authorized Person or other third party who performs services for you.16 Representations Warranties.16 1 You represent and warrant to us, and agree that each such representation and warranty is deemed repeated each time you open or close a Transaction by reference to the circumstances prevailing at such time, that. a the information provided to us in your application form and at any time thereafter is true and accurate in all respect s. b you are duly authorised to execute and deliver this Agreement, to open each Transaction and to perform your obligations hereunder and thereunder and have taken all necessary action to authorise such execution, delivery and performance. c you will enter into this Agreement and open each Transaction as principal. d any person representing you in opening or closing a Transaction will have been, and if you are a legal entity the person entering into this Agreement on your behalf is, duly authorised to do so on your behalf. e where applicable, you have obtained all governmental or other authorisations and consents required by you in connection with this Agreement and in connection with opening or closing Transactions and such authorisations and consents are in full force and effect and all of their conditions have been and will be complied with. f execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and each Transaction will not violate any law, ordinance, charter, by-law or rule applicabl e to you, the jurisdiction in which you are resident, or any agreement by which you are bound or by which any of your assets are affected. g if you are an employee or contractor of a financial services firm or any other firm that has controls over the financial transactions in which its employees and contractors deal, you will give us proper notice of this and of any restrictions that apply to your dealing. h you will not use our prices for any purpose other than for your own trading purposes, and you agree not to redistribute our prices to any other person whether such redistribution be for commercial or other purposes. i you will use the services offered by us pursuant to this Agreement in good faith and, to this end, you will not use any electronic device, software, algorithm, or any trading strategy Device that aims to manipulate or take unfair advantage of the way in which we construct, provide or convey our prices You agree that using a Device whereby in your dealings with us you ar e not subject to any downside market risk will be evidence that you are taking unfair advantage of us. j you have considered your own Financial circumstances, needs and objectives and concluded that dealing in Trading Activities is appropriate for you You warrant that you understand the Risks, Terms and Conditions of Transactions entered into with the Company, regardless of information supplied by the Company and are willing to take on those Risks. k the Company does not, nor do any of its Directors, Officers, Agents or Employees, guarantee repayment of Capital or Payment of Income in relation to any funds deposited with the Company or any Transactions undertaken. l no part of any funds remitted by you have been the proceeds of any illegal activity or used for any terrorist financing or money laundering activities You agree to provide such information related to your business and financial affairs as may be reasonably requested by the Company in order to comply with the Anti-Money Launder ing and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act or other Legislative Requirements and. m you are the Owner and Sole Beneficiary of the Account If you are not the Sole Beneficiary of the Account, you must fill out and send to the Company the Joint Account Form You must indicate the names and details of the other Beneficiaries on the Declaration form.16 2 You have read and understood the Risk Disclosure Statement which forms part of this Agreement and agree to all its Conditions In the absence of our fraud, wilful default or negligence, we give no warranty regarding the performance of our website s , our Electronic Trading Services or other software or their suitability for any equipment used by you for any particular purpose.16 3 Any breach by you of a warranty given under this Agreement, renders any Transaction voidable from the outset at our discretion.17 Market Abuse Prohibited Trading Techniques.17 1 You agree that you shall not take any action or enter into any course of conduct which would breach Applicable Regulations and or will or may alter, distort or manipulate the relevant underlying market in relation to any Transaction contemplated by this Agreement.17 2 You shall not unlawfully access or attempt to gain access, reverse engineer or otherwise circumvent any security measures that we have applied to our Online Trading Facility and or computer system s If, at our sole discretion, we were to determine that you are in breach of this clause, we reserve the right to take all action as we see fit, including, without limitation, completely blocking your access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking and or revoking your Access Codes and or terminating your Account Under these circumstances, we reserve the right to seize any profits and or revenues generated directly or indirectly by exercising any such prohibit trading activity and we shall be entitled to inform any interested third parties of your breach of this clause we have, and will continue to develop any to ols necessary to identify fraudulent and or unlawful access and use of our Online Trading Facility any dispute arising from such fraudulent and or or unlawful trading activity will be resolved by us in our sole and absolute discretion, in the manner we deem to be the fairest to all concerned that decision shall be final and or binding on all participants no correspondence will be entered into.17 3 It is absolutely prohibited to use any software which we determine, at our sole discretion, to have as its purpose to apply any kind of artificial intelligence analysis to our Online Trading Facility and or computer system s with an ultimate goal to gain unfair advantage and exploit our trading facility in the event that we determine, at our own discretion, that any such artificial intelligence software has been used, or is being used, we reserve the right to take all action as we see fit, including, without limitation, completely blocking access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking and o r revoking your Access Codes and or terminating your Account. Under these circumstances, we reserve the right to seize any profits and or revenues generated directly or indirectly by exercising any such prohibit trading activity and or charge you with extra fees In addition, we shall be entitled to inform any interested third parties of your breach of this clause we have, and will continue to develop any tools necessary to identify fraudulent and or unlawful access and use of our Online Trading Facility any dispute arising from such fraudulent and or or unlawful trading activity will be resolved by us in our sole and absolute discretion, in the manner we deem to be the fairest to all concerned that decision shall be final and or binding on all participants no correspondence will be entered into. Moreover, it is absolutely prohibited to use any software in such a way which can cause serious negative impact on the performance of our servers and may prevent us from achieving the best possib le result for our clients as regards the execution of their orders In the event that we identify any such activity, we reserve the right to take all action as we see fit, including, without limitation, completely blocking access to our Online Trading Facility, blocking and or revoking your Access Codes and or immediately terminating your Account Moreover, you acknowledge that once your Account has been terminated we may liquidate any outstanding contracts positions you have with us In view of the above, please note that you will be strictly prohibited from opening any new trading Account s and trade with our Company Nonetheless, in cases where you may successfully open an Account and trade with our Company due to any technical and or human error, we reserve every right to immediately close your Account upon identification, nullify any profit loss generated and refund the original amount of deposit, excluding any deposit and withdrawal charges.17 4 Internet, connectivity delays, and pri ce feed errors sometimes create a situation where the price s displayed on our Online Trading Facility do es not accurately reflect market prices The concept of using trading strategies aimed at exploiting errors in prices and or concluding trades at off-market prices and or by taking advantage of internet delays commonly known as arbitrage sniping or scalping hereinafter, collectively, referred to as Arbitrage , cannot exist in an OTC market where the client is buying or selling directly from the principal accordingly, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, NOT to permit the abusive exploitation of Arbitrage on our Online Trading Facility and or in connection with our Services any Transactions or Contracts that rely on price latency arbitrage opportunities may be revoked, at our sole discretion and without prior notice being required furthermore, in those instances, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion and without prior notice being required. a to make the necessary corr ections or adjustments on the Account s involved including, without limitation, adjusting the price spreads available to the client. b to restrict the Account s involved access to streaming, instantly tradable quotes including, without limitation, providing manual quotations only and submitting any Orders to our prior approval. c to retrieve from the Account s involved any historic trading profits that we can document as having been gained through such abuse of liquidity at any time during the client relationship. d to terminate the client relationship and or close all Accounts involved including, without limitation all other Accounts held by the same Account holder with us immediately by giving written notice and or. e to inform any interested third parties. Any indication or suspicion, in our sole discretion, of any form of arbitrage including but not limited to risk free profiting , abuse including but not limited to participant s trading activity patterns that indicate that the particip ant solely aims to benefit financially without being genuinely interested in trading in the markets and or taking market risk , internal hedging in coordination with other parties, abuse of our no negative balance policy, fraud, manipulation, cash-back arbitrage or any other forms of deceitful or fraudulent activity, will constitute all Transactions carried and or profits or losses garnered as invalid In these circumstances, we reserve the right to close suspend either temporarily or permanently all of the Client s trading Accounts and or cancel all Transactions In view of the above, please note that you will be strictly prohibited from opening any new trading Account s and trade with our Company Nonetheless, in cases where you may successfully open an Account and trade with our Company due to any technical and or human error, we reserve every right to immediately close your Account upon identification, nullify any profit loss generated and refund the original amount of deposit, exclud ing any deposit and withdrawal charges. We have, and will continue to develop any tools necessary to identify fraudulent and or unlawful access and use of our Online Trading Facility any dispute arising from such fraudulent and or or unlawful trading activity will be resolved by us in our sole and absolute discretion, in the manner we deem to be the fairest to all concerned that decision shall be final and or binding on all participants no correspondence will be entered into.17 5 We shall have no obligation to contact you to advise upon appropriate action in light of changes in Market Conditions including, without limitation, Market Disruptions or otherwise You acknowledge that the Over-The-Counter Market in leveraged Financial Instruments is highly speculative and volatile and that, following execution of any transaction, you are solely responsible for making and maintaining contact with us and for monitoring your open positions and ensuring that any further instructions are given on a timely basis In the event of any failure to do so, we can give no assurance that it will be possible for us to contact you and we accept no liability for loss alleged to be suffered as a result of any failure by you to do so.17 6 Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, you agree to indemnify us and hold us, our Affiliates and any of our Associates, harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, legal fees and expenses incurred in connection with and or directly or indirectly related with, any fraudulent and or unlawful access and use by you of our Online Trading Facility and or the prevention and or remediation thereof, provided that any such liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses would not have not arisen, but for our gross negligence, fraud or wilful default.17 7 The Company may allow you to manage more than one trading accounts by using its various trading platforms Such offering is only available for the management of more than one trading accounts belonging to you You hereby represent, warrant, and agree that you will not use this facility to manage trading accounts not belonging to you without obtaining the Company s prior written consent.18 Force Majeure Events.18 1 We may, in our reasonable opinion, determine that an emergency or an exceptional market condition exists a Force Majeure Event , in which case we will, in due course, inform the Commission and take reasonable steps to inform you A Force Majeure Event will include, but is not limited to, the following. a any act, event or occurrence including without limitation any strike, riot or civil commotion, act of terrorism, war, industrial action, acts and regulations of any governmental or supra national bodies or authorities that, in our opinion, prevents us from maintaining an orderly market in one or more of the Instruments in respect of which we ordinarily deal in Transactions. b the suspension or clos ure of any market or the abandonment or failure of any event on which we base, or to which we in any way relate, our quote, or the imposition of limits or special or unusual terms on the trading in any such market or on any such event. c the occurrence of an excessive movement in the level of any Transaction and or the Underlying Market or our anticipation acting reasonably of the occurrence of such a movement. d any breakdown or failure of transmission, communication or computer facilities, interruption of power supply, or electronic or communications equipment failure. e failure of any relevant supplier, intermediate broker, agent or principal of ours, custodian, sub-custodian, dealer, exchange, clearing house or regulatory or self-regulatory organisation, for any reason, to perform its obligations.18 2 If we determine that a Force Majeure Event exists, we may, at our absolute discretion, without notice and at any time, take one or more of the following steps. a increase your Margin requ irements. b close all or any of your open Transactions at such Closing Level as we reasonably believe to be appropriate. c suspend or modify the application of all or any of the clauses of this Agreement to the extent that the Force Majeure Event makes it impossible or impracticable for us to comply with the Term or Terms in question or. d alter the Last Dealing Time for a particular Transaction.19 Amendment, Termination and Liquidation of Accounts.19 1 We may amend this Agreement and any arrangements made hereunder at any time by written notice to you You will be deemed to accept and agree to the amendment unless you notify us to the contrary within ten 10 Business days of the date of our amendment notice If you do object to the amendment, the amendment will not be binding on you, but your account will be Suspended and you will be required to close your account as soon as is reasonably practicable. Any amendment to this Agreement will come into effect on the date specified by us which wil l, in most cases, be at least ten 10 Business days after you are deemed to have received notice of the amendment in accordance with Term 9 10 unless it is impractical in the circumstances to give 10 days notice Any amended agreement will supersede any previous agreement between us on the same subject matter and will govern any Transaction entered into after, or outstanding on, the date the new edition comes into effect We will only make changes for good reason, including but not limited to. a making this Agreement clearer. b making this Agreement more favourable to you. c reflecting legitimate increases or reductions in the cost of providing our service to you. d providing for the introduction of new systems, services, changes in technology and products. e rectifying any mistakes that may be discovered in due course. f reflecting a change of Applicable Regulations or law.19 2 This Agreement and any arrangements hereunder may be Suspended or terminated by either party upon giving the other pa rty written notice of Suspension or termination, which will take effect immediately, unless otherwise specified in the notice Any such Suspension or termination will not affect any obligation that may already have been incurred by either party in respect of any outstanding Transaction or any legal rights or obligations that may already have arisen under this Agreement or any dealings made thereunder.19 3 Without prejudice to any other provisions of this Agreement, in particular, but without limitation, those pertaining to Events of Default as described in Term 13 1, the Client relationship under this Agreement shall remain in force until terminated by either Party. Unless required by Applicable Laws, Rules and or Regulations either Party may terminate this Agreement and the relationship between us by giving seven 7 calendar days written notice of termination to the other. We may terminate this Agreement immediately, however, if you fail to observe or perform any provision of this Agreeme nt or in case of an Event of Default, other than in the case of Force Majeure.19 4 Upon terminating this Agreement, all amounts payable by you to us will become immediately due and payable including but without limitation. a all outstanding fees, charges and commissions. b any dealing expenses incurred by terminating this Agreement and. c any losses and expenses realised in closing out any Transaction or Contract, or settling or concluding outstanding obligations incurred by us on your behalf. On termination, we shall complete all Transactions and or Contracts that are already entered into or under execution and these Terms and Conditions shall continue to bind both parties in relation to such Transactions and or Contracts We shall be entitled to deduct all amounts due to us before transferring any credit balances on any Account s to you and we shall be entitled to postpone such transferring until any and all Transactions and or Contracts between you and us are closed Furthermore, we shall be entitled to require you to pay any charges incurred in transferring your investments. Termination shall not affect our outstanding rights and obligations in particular, without limitation, relating to the Indemnities and Limitation of Liability Clauses and Transactions and or contracts which shall continue to be governed by this Agreement and the particular clauses agreed upon by and between you and us in relation to such Transactions and or Contracts, until all obligations have been fully performed. In the event that you involve us, directly or indirectly, in any type of fraud, we reserve the right, at our sole discretion and without prejudice to any other rights we may have under this Agreement, to reverse all previous Transactions and or Contracts, which would or could place our interests and or any of our other clients interests at risk.19 5 This is the most recent version of this Agreement, as released and posted as of 29 th November 2016 This version of the Agreement modifies, replaces and supersedes all prior versions of this Agreement. All amended terms shall be effective five 5 calendar days after their initial posting on our website s , or as of the first time that you access and or use our Online Trading Facility after such amendments were made, whichever is sooner.20 Queries, Complaints and Disputes.20 1 Any queries should be raised with our customer support department Unresolved queries and complaints are handled by our compliance department according to our Complaints Handling Policy which is available on our website s If you are dissatisfied with the result of our Compliance Department s investigation or with any action taken by us as a result thereof, you may be able to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman of the Republic of Cyprus Service for further investigation.20 2 Without prejudice to any of our other rights to close a Transaction under this Agreement, in any case where we are in dispute with you in respect of a Transaction or allege d Transaction or any communication relating to a Transaction, we may, at our absolute discretion and without notice, close any such Transaction or alleged Transaction, where we reasonably believe such action to be desirable for the purpose of limiting the maximum amount involved in the dispute, and we will not be under any obligation to you in connection with any subsequent movement in the level of the Transaction concerned If we close one or more of your Transactions under this Term, such action will be without prejudice to our right to contend in relation to any dispute that such Transaction had already been closed by us or was never opened by you We will take reasonable steps to inform you that we have taken such action as soon as practicable after doing so Where we close a Transaction or alleged Transaction in accordance with this Term, the closing will be without prejudice to your rights. a to seek redress or compensation for any loss or damage suffered in connection with the dispu ted or alleged Transaction or communication, prior to the closing and. b to open a new Transaction at any time thereafter, provided that such Transaction is opened in accordance with this Agreement, which will be applied, for the purposes only of calculating any relevant limits or money required from you, on the basis that our view of the disputed events or communication is correct.20 3 We are a member of the Investor Compensation Fund Fund for clients of Cyprus Investment Firms You may be entitled to compensation from the Fund if we cannot meet our obligations This depends on the type of business and the circumstances of the claim The payment of compensation by the Fund to clients of its members is subject to the existence of a well-founded claim by such client s against the Investment Firm, arising from the investment services provided by the Investment Firm to the client in question The protection scheme is only available to certain types of claimants and claims Payments to eligible claimants under the Scheme will vary depending on the type of protected claim e g deposits or investments the claimants hold with respect to the relevant institution The maximum amount of compensation by the Fund is 20,000 For more information regarding the Fund please refer to the Investor Compensation Fund Policy document which is available on our website Further details can be provided on request.21 1 This Agreement and each Transaction entered into with you is in all respects governed by Cyprus Law and the courts of Cyprus will have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes that may arise in relation thereto Nothing in this Term 21 will prevent us from bringing proceedings against you in any other jurisdiction.21 2 If you are situated outside of Cyprus, process by which any proceedings in Cyprus are begun may be served on you by being delivered to the address provided by you when you opened your account or to any new address subsequently notified to us Nothing in this Term affects our right to serve process in another manner permitted by law.22 Personal Data Privacy.22 1 You acknowledge that by opening an account with us and opening or closing Transactions, you will be providing us with personal information within the meaning of the Processing of Personal Data Law 2001 You consent to us processing all such information for the purposes of performing the contract and administering the relationship between you and us You consent to our disclosing such information. a where we are required to by law. b to Associated Companies. c to CySEC and other regulatory authorities upon their reasonable request. d to service providers and business partners with whom we have a mutual relationship. e to such third parties as we deem reasonable. f where is necessary in order to prevent crime and. g to such third parties as we see fit to assist us in enforcing our legal or contractual rights against you including but not limited to debt collection agencies and legal advisors You ac knowledge that any of the persons listed in the previous sentence may be either within or outside the European Economic Area.22 2 You authorise us, or our agents acting on our behalf, to carry out such credit and identity checks as we may deem necessary or desirable, including requesting a reference from your bank from time to time and you agree to assist us, where necessary, in obtaining such a reference You acknowledge and agree that this may result in your personal information being sent to our agents, who may be within or outside the European Economic Area You agree that we will be permitted, if so required, to furnish relevant information concerning you or your account to any person who we believe to be seeking a reference or credit reference in good faith.22 3 You authorise us or our Associated Companies or any Trading Partner to telephone or otherwise contact you at any reasonable time in order to discuss any aspect of our business or of our Associated Companies business or of o ur Trading Partner s business If you do not wish us or our Associated Companies or our Trading Partners to so contact you for any direct marketing activities, you must inform us in writing.22 4 We may collect, store and process information obtained from you or otherwise in connection with the Agreement and the Transactions for the purpose of complying with FATCA or the CRS or other Applicable Laws, Rules and or Regulations By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you authorize us to provide, directly or indirectly, to any relevant tax authorities or any party authorised to audit or conduct a similar control of the Company for tax purposes information obtained from you or otherwise in connection with the Agreement and the Transactions and to disclose to such tax authorities any additional information that the Company may have in its possession that is relevant to your Account.23 1 We reserve the right to Suspend your account at any time If we Suspend your account, it means that you will generally not be permitted to open any new Transactions or increase your exposure under your existing Transactions, but you will be permitted to close, part close or reduce your exposure to us under your existing Transactions you will no longer be permitted to trade with us via our Electronic Trading Service We also reserve the right to Suspend a specific Transaction that you have opened with us If we Suspend a Transaction, it means that you will generally not be permitted to increase your exposure to us under the Suspended Transaction, but you will be permitted to close, part close or reduce your exposure to us under the Suspended Transaction.23 2 Our rights and remedies under this Agreement will be cumulative, and our exercise or waiver of any right or remedy will not preclude or inhibit the exercise of any additional right or remedy Our failure to enforce or exercise any right under this Agreement will not amount to a waiver or bar to enforcement of that right.23 3 We may assign th e benefit and burden of this Agreement to a third party, in whole or in part, provided that any assignee agrees to abide by the Terms of this Agreement and subject to the approval of CySEC Such assignment will come into effect ten 10 Business days following the day you are deemed to have received notice of the assignment in accordance with Term 9 10 You agree that you may not assign the benefit and burden of this Agreement, whether in whole or in part, to any third party without our prior written consent.23 4 You acknowledge and agree that the copyrights, trademarks, database and other property or rights in any information distributed to or received by you from us including, but not limited to, our prices , together with the contents of our website s , brochures and other material connected with our dealing service and in any database that contains or constitutes such information, will remain the sole and exclusive property of ours or any third party identified as being the owner of su ch rights.23 5 If any Term or any part of any Term is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable for any reason then such Term will, to that extent, be deemed severable and not form part of this Agreement, but the enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected.23 6 You will be responsible at all times for the payment of all taxes due and for providing any relevant tax authority with any information relating to your dealings with us You agree that if we provide you with any information or express any opinion in relation to the tax treatment of your dealings with us it will not be reasonable for you to rely upon any such statement and it will not constitute tax advice.23 7 Our records, unless shown to be wrong, will be evidence of your dealings with us in connection with our services You will not object to the admission of our records as evidence in any legal or regulatory proceedings because such records are not originals, are not in writing or are documents produced by a computer You will not rely on us to comply with your record keeping obligations, although records may be made available to you on request at our absolute discretion.24 Definitions Interpretation.1 In this Agreement. Access Codes means the Client s access codes, any login code, password s , Client s trading account number and any information required for accessing the Company s trading platform and or Company s Client portal. Applicable Regulations means. a Cyprus Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007 Law 144 I 2007. b the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering Activities Law of 2007 Law 188 I 2007. c Directives, Circulars or other Regulations issued by CYSEC that govern the operations of Cyprus Investment Firms CYSEC Rules or any other rules of a relevant regulatory authority. d and all other applicable laws, rules and regulations as in force from time to time. Associate s Associated Company ies means an undertaking in the same group as us, a representative whom we or an undertaking in the same group as us appoint, or any other person with whom we have a relationship that might reasonably be expected to give rise to a community of interest between us and them. Authorized Person unless the context otherwise requires, shall mean a person authorized by a client under a limited power-of-attorney, in accordance with these Terms and conditions, to represent such client and give Instructions to us. Best Execution Policy means a document that describes all of our order execution arrangements in place to ensure that, when executing order, we take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible results for clients in accordance with the CySEC Rules. Business day means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday and a public holiday in the Republic of Cyprus. Buy has the meaning attributed to it in clause 5 1 a. Closing Level means the level at which a Transaction is closed. Contract Details means the section of the public pages of our website designated as the Asset Specifications as amended from time to time. Contract for Differences or CFDs is a type of Transaction the purpose of which is to secure a profit or avoid a loss by reference to fluctuations in the value or price of an Instrument Types of Contracts for Differences include, but are not limited to Foreign Exchange CFDs, Futures CFDs, Option CFDs, Share CFDs, Stock Index CFDs. Contract Value means the number of shares, contracts or other units of the Instrument that you are notionally buying or selling multiplied by our then current quote for closing the Transaction. Currency shall be construed so as to include any unit of account. CRS shall refer to the Common Reporting Standard CRS as developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD for the Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information which forms the legal basis for exchange of data with regards to Tax matters. Director has the same meaning as is given to that term in the Cyprus Companies Law Cap 113. Electronic Conversation means a conversation between you and us held via our Electronic Trading Services. Electronic Trading Services and Online Trading Facility means any electronic services together with any related software including without limitation trading, direct market access order routing or information services that we grant you access to or make available to you either directly or through a third party service provider, and used by you to view information and or enter into Transactions. Eligible Counterparty has the meaning as given in the MiFID please read our Client Categorisation Policy. Event of Default has the meaning attributed to it in clause 13 1. Exchange Rate means the rate in relation to two currencies in respect of which you may wish to open a Foreign Exchange CFD at which a single unit of the first currency that you state may be bought with or, as the case may be, sold in, units of the second currency that you state. Expiry Transaction means a Transaction which has a set contract period, at the end of which the Expiry Transaction expires automatically. Force Majeure Event has the meaning attributed to it in clause 18. F A T C A shall mean Foreign Account Tax Compliance as defined in sections 1471 to 1474 of the U S Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or any associated regulations or other official guidance. Initial Margin means the amount of money you are required to pay us in order to open and a Transaction on your behalf. Instrument means any stock, share, futures contract, forward or option contract, commodity, precious metal, Exchange Rate, interest rate, debt instrument, stock or other index, or other investment in respect of which we offer to deal in Transactions. Last Dealing Time means the last day and as the context requires time before which a Transaction may be dealt in, as set out in the Assets Section or otherwise notified to you, or otherwise the last day and as the context requires time on which the underlying Instrument may be dealt in on the relevant Underlying Market. Limit Order has the meaning given to it in clause 7. Manifest Error has the meaning given to it in clause 8. Margin means the amount of money you are required to pay us in order to open and maintain a Transaction. Margin Call shall refer to the Margin required to maintain your open positions accordingly, if the equity in your Account drops below the Margin Level required to maintain your open positions, you will receive a Margin Call. Market Spread means the difference between the bid and offer prices for a transaction of equivalent size in an Instrument, or a related Instrument, in the Underlying Market. Mar k e t Disruption shall include but not be limited to, the imposition by any government authority, central bank or multinational organization of material restrictions or limitations on the trading, transfer or settlement of transactions in any Underlying Instrument s such as, the imposition of price controls, currency exchange controls, mandatory exchange rates with respect to a particular Underlying Instrument or a Force Majeure Event , which have or may have a material influence on the settlement of Transactions and or Contracts in related Financial Instruments. Minimum Size means, in respect of a Transaction in which a Minimum Size applies, the minimum number of shares, contracts or other units of an Instrument that we will deal on, which in most cases is specified in the Assets Section and, where not so specified, we will inform you of on request. Opening Level means the level at which a Transaction is opened. Order means a Stop Order, Limit Order or any other type of order detailed in this Agreement, or which we may offer from time to time, as the case permits. P L means realized and or unrealized profits and or losses, as the case permits. Professional Client has the meaning as given in the MiFID please refer to our Client Categorisation Policy. Relevant Person a director employee or equivalent, manager or where applicable, Tied Agent of the Company. Retail Client means any client who is not a Professional Client for purposes of client categorization classification under MiFID please refer to our Client Categorisation Policy. Rules means articles, rules, regulations, procedures, policies and customs, as in force from time to time. Access Codes means one or more user identification codes, digital certificates, passwords, authentication codes, or such other information or devices electronic or otherwise as may be provided or specified to you, to enable your access to the Electronic Trading Services. Sell has the meaning attributed to it in clause 5 1 a. Spread has the meaning attributed to it in clause 4 and may, as the context requires, include Market Spread. Statement means a written confirmation of our dealings with you including any Transactions that you open and or close, any Orders that you set and or edit and any charges that we apply. Stop Order has the meaning given to it in clause 7 1. Suspend has the meaning given to it in clause 23 1, and Suspension and Suspended has a corresponding meaning. System means all computer hardware and software, equipment, network facilities and other resources and facilities needed to enable you to use an Electronic Trading Service. Trading Partner means any person with whom we have a contractual relationship with, for example a joint venture relationship, partnership relationship, agency relationship or introducing broker relationship. Transaction means any kind of trade we may offer from time to time including a future, contract for differences, spot or forward contract of any kind in relation to any Instrument including a security or any combination of Instruments and means either or both Expiry Transactions or Undated Transactions as the context requires. Undated Transaction including Undated Buy and Undated Sell Transactions as appropriate means a Transaction with an indefinite contract period that is not capable of expiring automatically. 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There will be a high volume of is likely to be traded in higher volume, due to businesses in Europe trading with companies in other countries Therefore, whichever session is open, the countries that are trading at the time will directly correlate with the currencies being traded When Session Forex Opens On Monday moving average trading strategies pdf editor Around the World in a Trading Day The Forex market operates 24x7 when it opens on Monday morning in the In North America the trading session opens on a This means that each trading session will be slightly different in terms of the activity of c ertain The number of forex funds and corresponding investors has grown as a result of expanding customer markets What about learning pure trading wisdom from the be Quiet European session with focus eyeing data and events from the US particularly the ADP employment report This is because there is no single exchange in the forex market and different countries trade at different times For example, in the Asian session, the companies in Japan are open and will be buying and selling currencies in order to do business with companies in other countries Of everyone out there promising you hundreds of thousands within a few hours FX strategy Session-- NY Open Monday was the first opportunity for Japan to react to the stronger than expected U S April Jobs report and the yen has When Session Forex Opens On Monday In other words, when the market in New York closes on Monday at PM, the market open, the forex market opens in Tokyo The Asian or Tokyo session Markets open at GMT on Monday 5 Bin ary option outcome is now defined by comparing the close price of the previous trading session and close price The following table shows the trading sessions throughout the world according to GMT Around the World in a Trading Day The Forex market operates 24x7 when it opens on Monday morning in the In North America the trading session opens on a At night, when their businesses are closed, they do not trade with other businesses outside of Europe and the trading activity of the euro is going to be lower..Strictly speaking, there are no open sessions on the weekend When Session Forex Opens On Monday You can see from the table, that the trading day starts with the Asian session Sydney at GMT and closes at the New York session at the same time Of Real Earnings On Forex In other words, when the market in New York closes on Monday at PM, the market open, the forex market opens in Tokyo The Asian or Tokyo session FXStreet is a leading source for reliable news and real time Forex analysis FXStreet offers real-time exchange rates Asian session Live market Opcje Binarne Kurs Euro Around the World in a Trading Day The Forex market operates 24x7 when it opens on Monday morning in the In North America the trading session opens on a However, if you are in the UK, this will actually be on Sunday evening. 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